Quick Facts

The Stonevault


  • E.D.N.A. – Defense protocols engaged! Earthen Defense and Neutralization Automaton is active. Informal nomenclature: E.D.N.A. This golem has contingencies for any potential intruder. Killing skardyn is its primary directive, but any unauthorized intuder is sufficient for a lethal response.
  • Skarmorak – The High Speaker spent countless years attempting to restore the Awakening Machine. One failed attempt resulted in a new horror: a golem infused with skardyn corruption. Crystals augment its elemental configuration. Though it barely communicates its alien mindset, its hatred for all creation is undeniable.
  • Master Machinists – Master Machinists focus on complex work at prestigious worksites. Brokk and Dorlita have worked as a team for as long as anyone can remember. Granted, Brokk's productivity is slipping, but both are authorized to defend their site with direct and efficient displays of violence.
  • Void Speaker Eirich – Eirich has been deposed, his authority seized! Overwhelmed, he fled to the innermost sanctum of the Stonevault. Yet in his machinations, he succumbed to transformation: Void energy from a malfunctioning artifact corrupts his living stone! Mystical revelations now shatter his sanity.


