Quick Facts
LinksWeakAuras Export



Spell Details

Duration 18 seconds
School Fire, Shadow
Mechanic n/a
Dispel type Magic
GCD category n/a
Cost None
Range 100 yards (Vision)
Cast time Instant
Cooldown n/a
GCD 0 seconds
Effect #1Apply Aura: Periodic Damage
Interval: 2 seconds (SP mod: 0.263594)
PVP Multiplier: 1
Effect #2Apply Aura: Mod All Damage Done % by Caster
PVP Multiplier: 1

Affected Spells:
Shadowburn Chaos Bolt
See more
  • Aura is Debuff
  • Ignore Line of Sight
  • DoT Stacking Rule
  • Not a Proc
  • No Cast Log
  • Allow Cast While Casting
  • Not In Spellbook
  • Aura Never Bounces
  • Can be used while stunned
  • Spell Haste Affects Periodic
  • Usable while feared
  • Usable while confused
  • Taps immediately
  • Allow While Charmed
  • Periodic Can Crit
  • Aura Points On Client
  • Allow While Stunned By Horror Mechanic
  • Allow Harmful on Friendly
  • Allow While Stunned by Stun Mechanic
  • Allow Class Ability Procs
  • Nameplate Personal Buffs/Debuffs
  • Periodic Refresh Extends Duration

