Quick Facts

Random Memory Access

Collect Korthian Memories using the Ephemeral Wings.
Korthian Memories recovered (10)
Provided item:
Ephemeral Wings (1)


When the Jailer snared Korthia and dragged it toward the Maw, he destroyed so much in this place. Not only mountains and buildings, but the people, too. Those people had lives, hopes, memories. I have to think that they can't all be gone, and we might be able to save something of them that lingers. Here, take some of my power. See if you can collect those memories. Bring them to me, and I'll keep them safe. No one should be forgotten.



You will receive:
Forsworn Aspirant's Vestments Forsworn Aspirant's Slippers
Forsworn Aspirant's Handwraps Forsworn Aspirant's Hood
Forsworn Aspirant's Leggings Forsworn Aspirant's Sash
Forsworn Aspirant's Wraps Forsworn Aspirant's Drape
Forsworn Aspirant's Robes Ancient Anima Vessel
Scholarly Attendant's Bangle Vault Emberstone
Show 6 More
Vesper of Clarity Old God Specimen Jar
Naaru Shard Fragment Tattered Fae Designs
Perplexing Rune-Cube Death's Advance


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(64166))

