Quick Facts

Hyphae Patrol: The Stalks

Ride the fae rings and slay 30 Masked Invaders in The Stalks.
Speak to Marasmius (1)
Masked Invader slain (30)


<Marasmius sighs.> They're at it again, up in the Stalks.

Seems like we didn't give them enough of a thrashing the first time, eh? What say you and I team up again and teach those younglings a lesson they won't forget?

Let me know when you're ready and we'll get 'em, just like before!




You will receive:
Valeshroud Torque Duskwarder Branch
Sapsteel Warhelm Faemoss Vestment
Sapsteel Breastplate Gormhusk Chestguard
Runetender Tunic Runetender Mitts
Sapsteel Gauntlets Faemoss Gloves
Gormhusk Strikers Faemoss Coronet
Show 29 More
Gormhusk Hood Runetender Headguard
Faemoss Leggings Gormhusk Kilt
Runetender Pants Runetender Shoulderguards
Faemoss Amice Gormhusk Mantle
Runetender Cinch Icy Propulsion
Ardendew Pearl Starlight Catcher
Celestial Acorn Flame Accretion
Divine Call Brutal Projectiles
Deadly Chain Combusting Engine
Stinging Strike Well-Honed Instincts
Layered Mane Unstoppable Growth
Flash of Clarity Perforated Veins
Astral Sapwood Luminous Sylberry
Duskfall Tuber Hibernal Sproutling
Bonus Experience


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(62610))

