Quick Facts

The Fourth Horseman

Obtain the Fourth Horseman.
Arrive at Light's Hope Chapel (1)
Complete the Light's Hope scenario (1)
Will of the Lich King revealed (1)
Fourth Horseman raised (1)


The Lich King demands too much! Tirion Fordring deserves more than a life of anguish and undeath!

Know this, Deathlord... I will obey your will, but there will be no redemption for what we are about to do.

The Silver Hand will never hand Tirion to us. The path to the Fourth Horseman will be soaked in righteous blood!

Blood that will stain our hands forever.

Your will be done, Deathlord. I will begin the preparations to invade Light's Hope. If this is what it takes to save our world, so be it!



You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Light of the Order Arcanum of the Order
Heartbeat of the Order Fel Ward of the Order
Flame of the Order Icy Core of the Order
Iron Will of the Order Prosperity of the Order
Dusk of the Order Gale Wind of the Order
You will receive:
Deathlord's Chestguard Greater Glory of the Order
Order Resources


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(43686))


