Hope they extend it , give people more things to do , farming old reps
This post was from a user who has deleted their account.
No reason for them to extend this buff due to insane gold making.Gotta keep that Brutosaur treadmill running and running harder.
Sounds like the next boost is going to be a permanent one relating to corruption and/or legendary cloaks.Which is nice, but I'd also like something like a month of mounted-speed-at-default in old raids and dungeons to help with farming old mogs and mounts with my many alts.
Maybe they will adjust drop rates on paragon reps for 8.3 zones, its such a long grind as is and a low estimated drop chance for the unique rewards inside.
Its weird how the "double" reputation feels like the normal reputation we should always get... considering how braindead and copy-paste reputations have been since legion -.-'
It was my understanding from the recent interview with Ion this buff was going to be replaced by something else this next reset or at least coming soon. It wasn't 100% clear, but it seems we are going to be getting a cloak and essences buff of some kind coming soon. He did not explicitly say this next reset, but said information would be coming in days.
Darn! I just started this expansion a week ago and it wont be enough time to earn the flying with the buff. I was hoping they would extend this too.
Whoever says that level of IO score is casual that is delusional. 15s on time for all dungeons is 1800 minimum. I wouldn't call 15s casual.
I totally screwed this by NOT farming Valarjar boxes for their mount =(