간단 정보

[Lingering Scars]

[Help Exarch Maladaar commune and soothe the spirits of Auchindoun.]


[Use the Auchenai Translocator] (1)


[Commune with Exarch Larohir] (1)


[Shattrath Victims returned to rest] (8)
[Exarch Larohir calmed] (1)


[Commune with Exarch Kelios] (1)


[Candle warning] (1)


[Light all Karabor Prayer Candles at once] (1)
[Exarch Kelios calmed] (1)


[Commune with Restalaan] (1)


[Memories of Death slain] (2)
[Durotan dead] (1)
[Wolf dead] (1)
[Restalaan calmed] (1)


[I believe we may be able to help. But perhaps you could aid me first... When we received word that the Tishamaat was upon us, we hurried to prepare our most tortured spirits for the journey to the Exodar. The celebration's sacraments may help them rest peacefully. However, they must consent to being moved. So, we must commune with and soothe them first. Will you help calm these spirits? Afterward, I will take you to where Hataaru is entombed and give you what you seek.]


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(78073))

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