Quick Facts

Melted Heart of Selig

Melted Heart of Selig
Ancestral Mythic Unique Amulet
925 Item Power
  • +3.0% Maximum Resistance to All Elements
  • +30.0% Resistance to All Elements
  • 15.0% Damage Reduction while Healthy
  • +15.0% Lucky Hit Chance
  • +25.0% Movement Speed
  • 15.0% Resource Generation
  • Gain 60 Maximum Resource.

    When taking damage, 75% is drained as 2 Resource for every 1% of Maximum Life you would have lost.
"Do not allow your passions to become obsessions. Fuel the fire that burns within you, but it is madness to allow yourself to become ash to please an uncaring universe."
- Last words of Master Selig
Requires Level 35


