Quick Facts
LinksWeakAuras Export

Guardian's Tenacity


Spell Details

Duration 8 seconds
School Physical
Mechanic n/a
Dispel type n/a
GCD category n/a
Cost None
Range 0 yards (Self)
Cast time Instant
Cooldown n/a
GCD 0 seconds
Effect #1Apply Aura: Modifies Damage/Healing Done
Value: 1%
PVP Multiplier: 0.5

Affected Spells:
Wrath Shred Ferocious Bite
Mangle Thrash Thrash
Sunfire Rip Rake
Maul Maim Starsurge
Pulverize Starfire Starsurge
Starfire Brutal Slash Stellar Flare
Show 11 More
New Moon Primal Wrath Power of Goldrinn
Raze Wrath Wisdom and Fury
Wisdom and Fury Wisdom and Fury Architect's Aligner
Sickle of the Lion Crashing Star
See more
Effect #2Apply Aura: Modifies Periodic Damage/Healing Done (22)
Value: 1%
PVP Multiplier: 0.5

Affected Spells:
Wrath Shred Ferocious Bite
Mangle Thrash Thrash
Sunfire Rip Rake
Maul Maim Starsurge
Pulverize Starfire Starsurge
Starfire Brutal Slash Stellar Flare
Show 11 More
New Moon Primal Wrath Power of Goldrinn
Raze Wrath Wisdom and Fury
Wisdom and Fury Wisdom and Fury Architect's Aligner
Sickle of the Lion Crashing Star
See more
Effect #3Apply Aura: Mod % Damage Taken (Arcane, Fire, Frost, Holy, Nature, Physical, Shadow)
Value: -1%
PVP Multiplier: 0.5
  • Do Not Sheath
  • Generates no threat
  • Include in Advanced Combat Log
  • Do Not Display Range
  • Allow Cast While Casting
  • Aura Points On Client

