Quick Facts
LinksWeakAuras Export

Ice Floes


Spell Details

Duration 15 seconds
School Frost
Mechanic n/a
Dispel type Magic
GCD category n/a
Cost None
Range 0 yards (Self)
Cast time Instant
Cooldown n/a
GCD 0 seconds
Aura proc chance100%
Effect #1Apply Aura: Allows Cast while Moving
PVP Multiplier: 1

Affected Spells:
Frostbolt Polymorph Polymorph
Polymorph Polymorph Polymorph
Polymorph Polymorph Polymorph
Polymorph Polymorph Polymorph
Conjure Refreshment Teleport: Hall of the Guardian Polymorph
Polymorph Polymorph Polymorph
Show 21 More
Polymorph Arcane Missiles Pyroblast
Evocation Flurry Ring of Frost
Rune of Power Glacial Spike Ray of Frost
Ebonbolt Arcane Surge Frostfire Bolt
Fireball Flamestrike Arcane Blast
Blizzard Ring of Fire Snowdrift
Frost Bomb Radiant Spark Conjure Familiar
See more
Effect #2Dummy
Value: 10
PVP Multiplier: 1
Server-side script
Effect #3Apply Aura: Cast While Moving (Spell Label) (928)
PVP Multiplier: 1
Effect #4Apply Aura: Cast While Moving (Spell Label) (1327)
PVP Multiplier: 1
Effect #5Apply Aura: Cast While Moving (Spell Label) (1704)
PVP Multiplier: 1
Effect #6Apply Aura: Cast While Moving (Spell Label) (1961)
PVP Multiplier: 1
Effect #7Apply Aura: Cast While Moving (Spell Label) (1960)
PVP Multiplier: 1
Effect #8Apply Aura: Cast While Moving (Spell Label) (2363)
PVP Multiplier: 1
Effect #9Apply Aura: Cast While Moving (Spell Label) (2574)
PVP Multiplier: 1


