Quick Facts

Pain Recedes

Meet with Prophet Velen in the Exodar.


Spare Hologem used (1)


Return to Velen in the Exodar (1)
Provided item:
Spare Hologem (1)


With Sironas slain once again, Bloodmyst will finally be able to heal. Her influence was no doubt anchoring the corruption to the land. It is another reason to celebrate today. But it is not the true reason I called Hatuun and Arzaal to Azeroth. I would have them attend the Tishamaat with us. The sacrament asks us to reflect on the past and commit to a better future. The unity of our efforts epitomizes that. I will bring them to the Exodar. Please join us when you are ready.


You will receive:


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See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(78081))

