Quick Facts

Infusing the Heart

Absorb Azerite to empower the Heart of Azeroth.


Azerite wounds absorbed (1)


Chamber of Heart Entered (1)
Azerite Wound slain (5)
Azerite wound tracker for heartbeat (5)
Use the Heart of Azeroth to mend the seal (1)
Silithus Portal Stone (1)


Azeroth's voice is growin' fainter and fainter. If the seal on this chamber shatters, her soul will be lost! We've got one chance tae save us all. Absorb the Azerite around the chamber into the Heart of Azeroth. Then unleash the amulet's power tae seal that crack in the center of the seal. Azerite can be a destructive force, but if it's channeled through yer amulet, it can heal the world!




You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Breastplate of the Champion Vest of the Champion
Mail of the Champion Robes of the Champion
Breastplate of the Champion Vest of the Champion
Mail of the Champion Robes of the Champion
Greathelm of the Champion Cowl of the Champion
Helm of the Champion Crown of the Champion
Greathelm of the Champion Cowl of the Champion
Helm of the Champion Crown of the Champion
Pauldrons of the Champion Shoulderguards of the Champion
Spaulders of the Champion Mantle of the Champion
Pauldrons of the Champion Shoulderguards of the Champion
Spaulders of the Champion Mantle of the Champion
You will receive:


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(52428))


