Quick Facts
Twilight Highlands
  1. Twilight Shores
  2. Twilight Shores
  3. Welcome to Highbank!
  4. Burnin' at Both Ends
  5. Aiming High
  6. Kurdran's Waitin'
  7. Salvage Operation
  8. Naga Reinforcements
  9. Our Boys on the Shore
  10. Shredderectomy
  11. Siege Tank Rescue
  12. Scouting the Shore
  13. Landgrab
  14. Bird Down! Bird Down!
  15. Roots'll Do 'Er
  16. Wings Over Highbank
  17. The Perfect Poultice
  18. Any Portal in a Storm
  19. The Way is Open
  20. Firebeard's Patrol
  21. Welcome Relief
  22. The Only Homes We Have
  23. Small Comforts
  24. Honorable Bearing
  25. Clan Mullan
  26. Stubborn as a Doyle
  27. The Fate of the Doyles
  28. Firebeard Bellows
  29. The Fighting Spirit
  30. The Scent of Battle
  31. The Loyalty of Clan Mullan
  32. Death Worthy of a Dragonmaw
  33. Anything We Can Get
  34. Somethin' for the Boys
  35. Personal Request
  36. Dropping the Hammer
  37. The Lost Brother
  38. They Took Me Pants!
  39. Dunwalds Don't Die
  40. While Meeting The Family
  41. Sifting Through The Wreckage
  42. Donnelly Dunwald
  43. Eoin Dunwald
  44. Cayden Dunwald
  45. Finding Beak
  46. Anything But Water
  47. Once More Into The Fire
  48. A Steady Supply
  49. Home Again
  50. Doing It Like a Dunwald
  51. Machines of War
  52. Weapons of Mass Dysfunction
  53. Unfamiliar Waters
  54. Where Is My Warfleet?
  55. Ready the Air Force
  56. Smoot's Samophlange
  57. Pre-Flight Checklist
  58. Ready the Ground Troops
  59. Ready the Navy
  60. Beating the Market
  61. Twilight Skies
  62. Twilight Skies
  63. Emergency Aid
  64. Dangerous Compassion
  65. Stalled Negotiations
  66. Madness
  67. Negotiations Terminated
  68. You Say You Want a Revolution
  69. Insurrection
  70. Death to Mor'ghor
  71. Securing the Beach Head
  72. Muddied Waters
  73. Cementing Our Victory
  74. Saurfang Will be Pleased
  75. Traitor's Bait
  76. Return to the Highlands
  77. The Southern Flank
  78. Scouting the Shore
  79. Blood on the Sand
  80. Mo' Better Shredder
  81. Krazzworks
  82. Quality Construction
  83. Wildhammer Infestation
  84. Pool Pony Rescue
  85. Everything But the Kitchen Sink
  86. Reprisal
  87. Off The Wall
  88. Parting Packages
  89. Of Utmost Importance
  90. Highbank, Crybank
  91. Krazz Works!
  92. The Northern Flank
  93. Blood in the Surf
  94. Shells on the Sea Shore
  95. Blast Him!
  96. Narkrall, the Drake-Tamer
  97. Crushing the Wildhammer
  98. Total War
  99. War Forage
  100. Drag 'em Down
  101. Paint it Black
  102. Bait and Throttle
  103. How to Maim Your Dragon
  104. The Demon Chain
  105. Fury Unbound
  106. A Vision of Twilight
  107. We All Must Sacrifice
  108. The Eyes Have It
  109. Eye Spy
  110. The Crucible of Carnage: The Bloodeye Bruiser!
  111. The Crucible of Carnage: The Bloodeye Bruiser!
  112. The Crucible of Carnage: The Bloodeye Bruiser!
  113. The Crucible of Carnage: The Deadly Dragonmaw!
  114. The Crucible of Carnage: The Wayward Wildhammer!
  115. The Crucible of Carnage: Calder's Creation!
  116. The Crucible of Carnage: The Earl of Evisceration!
  117. The Crucible of Carnage: The Twilight Terror!
  118. Dragonmaw Takedown
  119. Fight Like a Wildhammer
  120. Never Leave a Dinner Behind
  121. A Vision of Twilight
  122. We All Must Sacrifice
  123. The Eyes Have It
  124. Eye Spy
  125. Tempered in Elemental Flame
  126. Hot Stuff
  127. Potential Energy
  128. Tear Them From the Sky!
  129. Last Stand at Thundermar
  130. Narkrall, The Drake-Tamer
  131. The Kirthaven Summit
  132. The Bachelor
  133. Rescue at Glopgut's Hollow
  134. Ogre Bashin'
  135. Find Fanny
  136. The Bachelorette
  137. Something Bold
  138. Something Brewed
  139. Something Stolen
  140. Something Stewed
  141. Words and Music By...
  142. Wild, Wild, Wildhammer Wedding
  143. Torn Ground
  144. Pushing Back
  145. Unbroken
  146. Simple Solutions
  147. Mercy for the Bound
  148. The Maw of Iso'rath
  149. Devoured
  150. The Worldbreaker
  151. The Terrors of Iso'rath
  152. Nightmare
  153. Warm Welcome
  154. Warm Welcome
  155. Even Dragons Bleed
  156. Draconic Mending
  157. Life from Death
  158. In Defense of the Redoubt
  159. Encroaching Twilight
  160. Far from the Nest
  161. Breach in the Defenses
  162. Mathias' Command
  163. Patchwork Command
  164. Easy Pickings
  165. Easy Pickings
  166. Precious Goods
  167. Precious Goods
  168. The Gates of Grim Batol
  169. Paving the Way
  170. Paving the Way
  171. If The Key Fits
  172. If The Key Fits
  173. Pressing Forward
  174. Pressing Forward
  175. Enter the Dragon Queen
  176. Battle of Life and Death
  177. And the Sky Streaked Red
  178. Blackout
  179. Shining Through the Dark
  180. Following the Young Home
  181. A Fitting End
  182. Last of Her Kind
  183. Victors' Point
  184. Crushblow
  185. Ogres & Ettins
  186. Ogres & Ettins
  187. Call in the Artillery
  188. Call in the Artillery
  189. SI:7 Drop
  190. Kor'kron Drop
  191. Move the Mountain
  192. Move the Mountain
  193. Signal the Attack
  194. Signal the Attack
  195. Signal the Attack
  196. Signal the Attack
  197. Four Heads are Better than None
  198. Four Heads are Better than None
  199. Four Heads are Better than None
  200. Four Heads are Better than None
  201. Up to the Citadel
  202. Up to the Citadel
  203. Just You and Mathias
  204. Just You and Mathias
  205. Just You and Garona
  206. Just You and Garona
  207. Dark Assassins
  208. Dark Assassins
  209. Bring the Hammer Down
  210. Bring the Hammer Down
  211. Help from the Earthcaller
  212. Help from the Earthcaller
  213. Portal Overload
  214. Unbinding
  215. Spirit of the Loch
  216. The Elementium Axe
  217. Distract Them for Me
  218. Distract Them for Me
  219. The Elementium Axe
  220. Dragon, Unchained
  221. Dragon, Unchained
  222. Fire the Cannon
  223. Coup de Grace
  224. Coup de Grace
  225. Water of Life
  226. Water of Life
  227. Mr. Goldmine's Wild Ride
  228. Mr. Goldmine's Wild Ride
  229. A Little on the Side
  230. While We're Here
  231. Rune Ruination
  232. A Fiery Reunion
  233. The Hammer of Twilight
  234. The Hammer of Twilight
  235. Skullcrusher the Mountain
  236. Skullcrusher the Mountain


Slay 8 Obsidian Pyrewings after using the Wyrmhunter Hooks to reach them.
Obsidian Pyrewing slain (8)
Provided item:
Wyrmhunter Hooks (1)


The Twilight Drakehunters used vicious implements to drag our circling drakes from the sky. Hooks that buried into their scales and held the Twilight secure while they brought our kin to the ground.

We are past the point of peace. Past hope for their redemption. The only mercy we have left to offer the black flight is the oblivion that they so passionately pursue.

Use these hooks to slay the Obsidian Pyrewings to the south. They should allow you much maneuverability in the air if used right.



You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Wyrmhunter Spaulders Nightscale Girdle
Dragonwing Leggings
You will receive:


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(28173))

