간단 정보

[What Do You Feed a Yeti, Anyway?]

[Tylos Dawnrunner at the Argent Tournament Grounds wants you to bring him 3 pieces of North Sea Shark Meat.]
북해 상어 고기 (3)


[The crusaders have captured a yeti that they're calling Icehowl. He's to be a participant in the coliseum battles and we've been asked to help with his training and upkeep.

The crusaders weren't fond of my suggestion that we feed some Silver Covenant members to the beast. The creature prefers shark meat, so I want you to fly down to the Crimson Dawn, floating in the strait to the north. Get some fresh chum from one of the buckets on the boat, then spread it in the water to attract sharks.]


다음과 같은 것들을 받습니다:
신선한 미끼 화폐 #241


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(14145))

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