간단 정보

[Back To The Orphanage]

[Return your ward to the Dalaran orphanage by handing in the Wolvar Orphan Whistle to Orphan Matron Aria in Dalaran.]
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[Know what? You not so bad after all, <name>. You take Kekek a lot of fun places. Kekek meet a lot of new friends and do things no other pup get to do.

You, and Hemet Nesingwary, and Snowfall Glade pups all new best friends. Maybe sometime you bring Kekek that green hills book? Kekek promise to write sometimes, too, tell you how things go. Maybe even be nice to big-tongue kids sometimes.

Kekek gotta go back to orphan-lady Aria now, back in purple human city.]


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