간단 정보

[The Bronze Dragonshrine]

[Take your orphan, Roo, to visit the Bronze Dragonshrine. Make sure to call for him if he is not present when you get there.]


[Roo taken to visit Bronze Dragonshrine] (1)


[Sometimes High-Oracle Soo-say tell stories about a shrine to dragon-things, not like great rain stone, but different. Soo-say tell us maybe we see ourselves there, but not like in a shiny. Soo-say mean we could see what we are like many years from now.

You take us there? We remember shrine to bronze dragon-things in place called Dragonblight. Soo-say say great rain stone show him shrine to northeast of Wyrmrest Temple, or northwest of place dryskins call Wintergarde Keep. We go?]


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