간단 정보

[That's Abominable!]

[Thassarian on the Skybreaker wants you to use the Abomination Reanimation Kit to create a Reanimated Abomination, which you are to use to kill 15 Icy Ghouls, 15 Vicious Geists, and 15 Risen Alliance Soldiers.]
[Icy Ghouls Exploded] (15)
[Vicious Geists Exploded] (15)
[Risen Alliance Soldiers Exploded] (15)
제공된 아이템:
누더기골렘 부활 도구 (1)



They can be a very capable enemy. I've seen them turn the tide of battle more than once. What few realize, is that they can also be very capable friends.

They are not deep thinkers. If you know the secrets of their creation, you can issue them basic orders that they will not question.

Fortunately for you, I know these secrets.

This kit will reanimate the remains of the abominations you defeat. Take it, and learn to use them against the Scourge on the death gate.]


이 보상들 중 하나를 선택할 수 있습니다:
무너진 최전선 덧신 생환술 어깨보호대
외눈깨비 추적자 다리보호구 스컬지 파멸의 어깨갑옷
다음과 같은 것들 또한 받습니다:
누더기골렘 부활 도구 얼어붙은 누더기골렘 창자
무너진 최전선 덧신 생환술 어깨보호대
외눈깨비 추적자 다리보호구 스컬지 파멸의 어깨갑옷


퀘스트 완료 시 보상:
이미 완료했는지 확인하려면 다음과 같이 입력하세요:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(13288))

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