간단 정보

[A Possible Link]

[Hierophant Thayreen at Amberpine Lodge wants you to obtain 8 Crazed Furbolg Blood from the Furbolgs at Heart's Blood Shrine and Rage Fang Shrine.]
광포한 펄볼그 피 (8)


[The furbolgs that live east of here are more aggressive and bestial than the ones we're used to. Our forces have squared off with them more than once, and the survivors always speak of a dark, slimy substance dripping from their corpses.

Their condition could be linked with the contaminants we found on Vordrassil's remains.

Bring me samples of the furbolgs' blood. You will find them in the Rage Fang Shrine and the Heart's Blood Shrine, far to the east.]


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선동자의 장갑 건전의 수갑
펄볼그 수호자의 투구 피투성이 어깨갑옷
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선동자의 장갑 건전의 수갑
펄볼그 수호자의 투구 피투성이 어깨갑옷


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(12246))

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