간단 정보

[When I Grow Up...]

[Take your orphan, Salandria, to the paladin trainers in Silvermoon City's Farstriders' Square. Make sure to call for her if she is not present when you arrive. Then, speak with Lady Liadrin, the Blood Knight Matriarch.

Remember that you can use your map inside the city, and speak to the guards to find the paladin trainers.]


[Salandria taken to the paladin trainers in Silvermoon City] (1)


[When you were my age did you know that you wanted to be a <class> when you grew up?

I'm not sure what I want to be. Maybe a mage or a warlock, like I said before? Or maybe a paladin Blood Knight? Yeah, definitely a Blood Knight!

They say that the true ones are trained in Silvermoon City on your world. Could you take me there? The stories that I've heard say that the paladin trainers reside in the Farstriders' Square in that city.

Please take me there. Please!]


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