


Dettagli dell'incantesimo

Durata n/d
Scuola Fisico
Meccanica n/d
Tipo di Dissipare n/d
Categoria GCD n/d
Costo Nessuno
Portata 0 metri (Self)
Tempo di lancio Istantaneo
Recupero n/d
GCD 0 secondi
Effetto #1Apply Aura: Modifies Threat (2)
Valore: -10%
[PVP Multiplier: ]1

Incantesimi Interessati:
Tranquility Rejuvenation Rejuvenation
Mark of the Wild Rejuvenation Rejuvenation
Rejuvenation Remove Curse Abolish Poison
Rejuvenation Healing Touch Healing Touch
Healing Touch Healing Touch Healing Touch
Mark of the Wild Mark of the Wild Tree of Life
[Show 64 More]
Mark of the Wild Healing Touch Healing Touch
Mark of the Wild Rejuvenation Tranquility
Regrowth Regrowth Regrowth
Regrowth Regrowth Cure Poison
Regrowth Healing Touch Rejuvenation
Rejuvenation Rejuvenation Regrowth
Regrowth Regrowth Tranquility
Tranquility Mark of the Wild Mark of the Wild
Healing Touch Healing Touch Gift of the Wild
Gift of the Wild Healing Touch Rejuvenation
Healing Touch Healing Touch Regrowth
Rejuvenation Rejuvenation Tranquility
Mark of the Wild Gift of the Wild Innervate
Lifebloom Tranquility Tranquility
Tranquility Tranquility Tranquility
Healing Touch Healing Touch Rejuvenation
Rejuvenation Regrowth Regrowth
Tranquility Tranquility Lifebloom
Lifebloom Mark of the Wild Gift of the Wild
Nourish Nature's Swiftness Swiftmend
Wild Growth Wild Growth Wild Growth
Wild Growth
See more
Effetto #2Apply Aura: Modifies Dispel Resist Chance (28)
Valore: 10
[PVP Multiplier: ]1

Incantesimi Interessati:
Thorns Rejuvenation Thorns
Rejuvenation Thorns Mark of the Wild
Rejuvenation Rejuvenation Rejuvenation
Abolish Poison Rejuvenation Mark of the Wild
Mark of the Wild Tree of Life Mark of the Wild
Mark of the Wild Rejuvenation Thorns
[Show 73 More]
Moonfire Moonfire Moonfire
Moonfire Moonfire Moonfire
Moonfire Regrowth Regrowth
Regrowth Regrowth Regrowth
Cure Poison Regrowth Thorns
Moonfire Moonfire Moonfire
Rejuvenation Rejuvenation Rejuvenation
Regrowth Regrowth Regrowth
Mark of the Wild Mark of the Wild Thorns
Nature's Grasp Nature's Grasp Nature's Grasp
Nature's Grasp Nature's Grasp Nature's Grasp
Gift of the Wild Gift of the Wild Barkskin
Rejuvenation Regrowth Rejuvenation
Rejuvenation Moonfire Moonfire
Mark of the Wild Gift of the Wild Thorns
Nature's Grasp Innervate Lifebloom
Rejuvenation Rejuvenation Regrowth
Regrowth Lifebloom Lifebloom
Moonfire Moonfire Mark of the Wild
Gift of the Wild Thorns Nature's Grasp
Insect Swarm Omen of Clarity Nature's Swiftness
Insect Swarm Insect Swarm Insect Swarm
Insect Swarm Insect Swarm Wild Growth
Insect Swarm Wild Growth Wild Growth
Wild Growth
See more

Informazioni relative
