
Timear Foresees Infinite Agents in your Future!

Questa missione non è più disponibile nel gioco.
Archmage Timear in Dalaran has foreseen that you must slay 4 Infinite Agents.
Infinite Agent ucciso (4)


The timeline is in danger from the Infinite dragonflight. Without your intervention, all of time will unravel!

You must travel to a point in time known as the Culling of Stratholme within the Caverns of Time.

It gives me a migraine just to attempt to see into all of the possible pasts, but I do know that it is crucial for you to kill the Infinite agents.

Only by slaying them will the true past be preserved and the present and future kept from being undone forever!




Sarete in grado di scegliere uno di questi premi:
Kirin Tor Commendation Badge Argent Crusade Commendation Badge
Ebon Blade Commendation Badge Wyrmrest Commendation Badge
Sons of Hodir Commendation Badge
Riceverai anche:
Kirin Tor Commendation Badge Wyrmrest Commendation Badge
Argent Crusade Commendation Badge Ebon Blade Commendation Badge
Sons of Hodir Commendation Badge Emblem of Valor
Emblem of Conquest Valuta #101


Al completamento di questa missione otterrai:
Puoi controllare se l'hai già completato digitando:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(13243))


Informazioni relative
