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[A Leg Up]

[Recover 10 Stolen Tallstrider Legs for Narasi Snowdawn at the Argent Tournament Grounds.]
Pata de zancaalta robada (10)


[The Argent Crusade dispatched a fast ship carrying tallstrider meat and other supplies for us here at the tournament grounds, but it never arrived. Scouts reported seeing it attacked by the kvaldir, fearsome vrykul raiders who roam the seas.

They've slain the crew and taken the cargo to an island called Hrothgar's Landing. If you look to the north, you can see it shrouded in the mist. Would you help us in recovering the stolen supplies? Without those tallstrider legs, we'll soon be out of food.]


Sello de Campeón


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Comprueba si ya lo has completad escribiendo:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(14074))

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