
Someone Else's Hard Work Pays Off

Escort Cryo-Engineer Sha'heen safely through the Mana-Tombs so that he can gather the ether held inside Shaffar's ether collectors.

Report to Nexus-Prince Haramad located outside the Mana-Tombs at the Consortium encampment should you succeed.


Escort Cryo-Engineer Sha'heen (1)


Who were you expecting!? That idiot Morphalius was 'de-prioritized.' Now I'm here to clean up his mess. All I need from you is to watch my back as I go through Shaffar's ether gatherers and suck them dry of all that they have collected. If I successfully complete my mission, Haramad himself will reward you!

What do you say? Escort me through the Mana-Tombs and then collect some incredible treasure? You already did most of the work anyway! Nothing's alive back behind us, right?



Sarete in grado di scegliere uno di questi premi:
Consortium Prince's Wrap Cryo-mitts
Consortium Mantle of Phasing Flesh Beast's Metal Greaves
Riceverai anche:
Flesh Beast's Metal Greaves Consortium Mantle of Phasing
Cryo-mitts Consortium Prince's Wrap


Al completamento di questa missione otterrai:
Puoi controllare se l'hai già completato digitando:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(10218))


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