[Changelog For "The Burning Crusade Attunement Guide"]

  • 2022/03/29,11:35: P4 update 来自 Rokman
  • 2021/12/13,09:40: update 来自 RenataKane
  • 2021/07/14,14:11: clarified that it's possible to do some quests at 68 but not recommended 来自 RenataKane
  • 2021/07/06,11:59: Removed Images 来自 Rokman
  • 2021/07/02,11:48: Added helpful images alongside the attunement guide 来自 Rokman
  • 2021/06/10,15:16: Formatting updates 来自 Rokman
  • 2021/06/10,15:07: Black Temple attunement updated 来自 Rokman
  • [Status set to 同意]: 2021/05/31,19:42