Quick Facts

Air Control

Slay or knock Primal Nightflames from the air with Whirling Surge.
Primal Nightflames knocked to the ground or slain (4)


We will never make progress while those shadowflame drakes have us pinned down from the air. Get up there and knock them from the skies.




You will receive:
Maruuk Centaur Insignia Titan Training Matrix I
Titan Training Matrix IV Whelpling's Shadowflame Crest Fragment
Titan Training Matrix V Suffused Choker
Suffused Shawl Suffused Band
Heatbound Medallion Suffused Signet
Suffused Loop Suffused Greatsword
Show 39 More
Suffused Blade Suffused Sword
Suffused Kris Suffused Shank
Suffused Spellblade Suffused Polearm
Suffused Wand Suffused Scepter
Suffused Barrier Suffused Shoulderpads
Suffused Epaulets Suffused Vest
Suffused Armplates Suffused Girdle
Suffused Mantle Suffused Legguards
Suffused Gauntlets Suffused Breastplate
Suffused Bracers Suffused Cinch
Suffused Shoulderguards Suffused Greaves
Suffused Coif Suffused Striders
Suffused Bindings Suffused Sash
Suffused Breeches Suffused Grips
Suffused Cuffs Suffused Cord
Suffused Leggings Suffused Cowl
Suffused Sandals Suffused Greatcloak
Suffused Drape Flightstones
Dragon Isles Supplies Flightstones
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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(75168))

