Quick Facts

Gold's No Object

Retrieve 7 Drab Gromits.
Drab Gromit captured (7)


$p! How's things? We 'eard there was all kinds of interestin' stuff out 'ere. So, 'em sneakin' hoppers? Hard to see, innit? They've got 'emselves a shiny pelt as me 'n' the lads could use to stay out of sight, as it were. You know, avoid the bosses n' such. I need ya to capture a bundle of 'em. Gold's no object, just bring me the little pests alive.



You will receive:
Ancient Anima Vessel Scholarly Attendant's Bangle
Vault Emberstone Gold Filled Boot
Gold Filled Wash Bucket Gold Filled Barrel
Gold Filled Satchel Gold Filled Helmet
Gold Filled Wheelbarrow Gold Filled Chalice
Gold Filled Hat Gold Filled Crate
Show 7 More
Gold Filled Paint Brush Cup Ripped Cosmology Chart
Shattered Void Tablet Forbidden Weapon Schematics
Korthian Cypher Book Death's Advance
Court of Harvesters


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(63784))

