Quick Facts

We Move Forward

Collect 8 Plundered Anima from Scholar's Den in Korthia.
Plundered Anima (8)


It breaks my heart to see another land so utterly obliterated. I can imagine how beautiful Korthia must have been, once. But we must not wallow in what we've lost. Like Ara'lon taught me: we don't have to stand still. We can choose to fight. You can help by taking anima back from those Mawsworn. We can put it to use, building up our own forces and defenses.




You will receive:
Stag Soul Vestments of the Twilight Grove
Slippers of the Twilight Grove Handwraps of the Twilight Grove
Hood of the Twilight Grove Leggings of the Twilight Grove
Mantle of the Twilight Grove Sash of the Twilight Grove
Wraps of the Twilight Grove Drape of the Twilight Grove
Ancient Anima Vessel Scholarly Attendant's Bangle
Show 6 More
Vault Emberstone Ripped Cosmology Chart
Shattered Void Tablet Forbidden Weapon Schematics
Korthian Cypher Book Death's Advance


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(63778))

