Quick Facts
  1. Lockdown!
  2. Something's Amiss
  3. All Hell Breaks Loose
  4. Evacuate the Merchant Square
  5. Salvage the Supplies
  6. Royal Orders
  7. The Winds Know Your Name... Apparently
  8. Someone's Keeping Track of You
  9. Arcane Inquiries
  10. Seek the Sister
  11. Someone's Looking for You
  12. Shady Associates
  13. Your Instructor
  14. Ready and Abel
  15. Safety in Numbers
  16. Safety in Numbers
  17. Safety in Numbers
  18. Safety in Numbers
  19. Safety in Numbers
  20. Safety in Numbers
  21. Safety in Numbers
  22. Safety in Numbers
  23. Old Divisions
  24. While You're At It
  25. The Prison Rooftop
  26. By the Skin of His Teeth
  27. Brothers In Arms
  28. The Rebel Lord's Arsenal
  29. From the Shadows
  30. Message to Greymane
  31. Save Krennan Aranas
  32. Time to Regroup
  33. Sacrifices
  34. By Blood and Ash
  35. Never Surrender, Sometimes Retreat
  36. Last Stand
  37. Last Chance at Humanity
  38. Among Humans Again
  39. In Need of Ingredients
  40. Invasion
  41. Kill or Be Killed
  42. Hold the Line
  43. You Can't Take 'Em Alone
  44. Holding Steady
  45. The Allens' Storm Cellar
  46. Unleash the Beast
  47. Save the Children!
  48. Two By Sea
  49. Leader of the Pack
  50. As the Land Shatters
  51. Gasping for Breath
  52. Evacuation
  53. Grandma Wahl
  54. Grandma's Lost It Alright
  55. I Can't Wear This
  56. Grandma's Cat
  57. The Hayward Brothers
  58. Not Quite Shipshape
  59. Washed Up
  60. The Crowley Orchard
  61. The Hungry Ettin
  62. Horses for Duskhaven
  63. Ready to Go
  64. Escape By Sea
  65. To Greymane Manor
  66. The King's Observatory
  67. Alas, Gilneas!
  68. Exodus
  69. Stranded at the Marsh
  70. Introductions Are in Order
  71. Stormglen
  72. Pest Control
  73. Queen-Sized Troubles
  74. Pieces of the Past
  75. The Blackwald
  76. Losing Your Tail
  77. Tal'doren, the Wild Home
  78. At Our Doorstep
  79. Preparations
  80. Take Back What's Ours
  81. Neither Human Nor Beast
  82. Return to Stormglen
  83. Onwards and Upwards
  84. Betrayal at Tempest's Reach
  85. Flank the Forsaken
  86. Liberation Day
  87. Slaves to No One
  88. Last Meal
  89. Push Them Out
  90. The Battle for Gilneas City
  91. The Hunt For Sylvanas
  92. Vengeance or Survival
  93. Slowing the Inevitable
  94. Knee-Deep
  95. Laid to Rest
  96. Patriarch's Blessing
  97. Keel Harbor
  98. They Have Allies, But So Do We
  99. Endgame
  100. Rut'theran Village

Two By Sea

Use the Forsaken Catapults to board the Forsaken ships and slay Captain Morris and Captain Anson.
Captain Anson slain (1)
Captain Morris slain (1)


The Forsaken catapults are kicking the snot out of us, <name>. And even if we do take care of them, they've two ships with rows of cannons at the ready.

I've a plan to kill two birds with one stone. You're the stone in this plan.

Take out the machinists manning the catapults. After this, use the catapults to launch yourself aboard the Forsaken ships.

If your aim isn't terrible, you should be able to land safely. Once onboard, go below decks and take care of each ship's captain. Good luck, <class>.



You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Gloves of the Two Birds "Flying" Worgen Robes
The Stone's Gauntlets
You will receive:


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(14382))

