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Spell Details

Duration 30 seconds
School Physical
Mechanic n/a
Dispel type n/a
GCD category n/a
Cost None
Range 0 yards (Self)
Cast time Instant
Cooldown n/a
GCD 0 seconds
Effect #1Apply Aura: Overrides Actionbar Spell
PVP Multiplier: 1

Affected Spells:
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Effect #2Apply Aura: Add Modifier - % (Label): Modifies Power Cost (14)
Value: -100%
PVP Multiplier: 1

Affected Spells:
Invisibility Frostbolt Polymorph
Cone of Cold Frost Nova Slow Fall
Arcane Explosion Arcane Intellect Blink
Counterspell Portal: Stormwind Portal: Ironforge
Portal: Orgrimmar Portal: Undercity Portal: Darnassus
Portal: Thunder Bluff Polymorph Polymorph
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Portal: Exodar Portal: Silvermoon Portal: Shattrath
Portal: Shattrath Portal: Theramore Portal: Stonard
Portal: Dalaran - Northrend Polymorph Polymorph
Polymorph Time Warp Portal: Tol Barad
Portal: Tol Barad Ancient Teleport: Dalaran Ancient Portal: Dalaran
Polymorph Illusion Portal: Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Teleport: Vale of Eternal Blossoms Portal: Vale of Eternal Blossoms Teleport: Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Mage Polymorph Polymorph
Polymorph Polymorph Portal: Warspear
Portal: Stormshield Conjure Refreshment Teleport: Hall of the Guardian
Arcane Linguist Polymorph Polymorph
Portal: Boralus Portal: Dazar'alor Fire Blast
Polymorph Teleport Portal
Portal: Oribos Polymorph Portal: Valdrakken
Polymorph Remove Curse Incanter's Flow
Scorch Arcane Missiles Pyroblast
Ice Barrier Evocation Icy Veins
Shatter Spellsteal Ice Lance
Slow Dragon's Breath Living Bomb
Flurry Ice Block Mirror Image
Splitting Ice Frozen Orb Ice Floes
Fire Blast Greater Invisibility Fingers of Frost
Ring of Frost Nether Tempest Rune of Power
Critical Mass Meteor Comet Storm
Arcane Orb Overpowered Kindling
Thermal Void Pyrotechnics Supernova
Blast Wave Ice Nova Combustion
Brain Freeze Glacial Spike Pyromaniac
Ray of Frost Arcane Familiar Conflagration
Lonely Winter Presence of Mind Firestarter
Bone Chilling Resonance Flame On
Frozen Touch Ice Ward Flame Patch
Time Anomaly Shimmer Arcing Cleave
Fire Blast Critical Mass Frigid Winds
Glacial Insulation Blazing Barrier Blazing Soul
Prismatic Barrier Alexstrasza's Fury Frenetic Speed
Slipstream Amplification Ice Caller
Ebonbolt Phoenix Flames Rule of Threes
Searing Touch Pyroclasm Freezing Rain
Chain Reaction Reverberate Focus Magic
Enlightened Improved Clearcasting Touch of the Magi
Slow Arcane Echo Alter Time
Master of Time From the Ashes Improved Frost Nova
Call of the Sun King Surging Blaze Arcane Surge
Perpetual Winter Wintertide Fractured Frost
Deep Shatter Frostbite Piercing Cold
Glacial Assault Splintering Cold Flash Freeze
Subzero Hailstones Freezing Winds
Cold Front Slick Ice Flow of Time
Diverted Energy Tempest Barrier Cryo-Freeze
Incantation of Swiftness Quick Witted Winter's Protection
Shifting Power Rigid Ice Tome of Antonidas
Tome of Rhonin Reduplication Accumulative Shielding
Reabsorption Temporal Velocity Arcane Warding
Mass Polymorph Time Anomaly Feel the Burn
Wildfire Improved Scorch Fiery Rush
Controlled Destruction Impetus Nether Precision
Fevered Incantation Hyperthermia Sun King's Blessing
Improved Combustion Arcane Tempo Firefall
Illuminated Thoughts Master of Flame Concentration
Arcane Harmony Arcane Bombardment Prodigious Savant
Charged Orb Orb Barrage Everlasting Frost
Freezing Cold Energized Barriers Fervent Flickering
Time Manipulation Volatile Detonation Displacement
Overflowing Energy Concentrated Power Ice Cold
Mass Barrier Mass Invisibility Unleashed Inferno
Intensifying Flame Convection Deep Impact
Inflame Winter's Blessing Cryopathy
Coldest Snap Splintering Ray Frostfire Mastery
Frostfire Bolt Imbued Warding Elemental Affinity
Isothermic Core Flame and Frost Thermal Conditioning
Meltdown Frostfire Infusion Frostfire Empowerment
Flash Freezeburn Severe Temperatures Excess Fire
Excess Frost Splintering Sorcery Splinterstorm
Augury Abounds Splintering Orbs Controlled Instincts
Shifting Shards Force of Will Slippery Slinging
Look Again Phantasmal Image Reactive Barrier
Volatile Magic Unerring Proficiency Spellfrost Teachings
Spellfire Spheres Invocation: Arcane Phoenix Mana Cascade
Merely a Setback Sunfury Execution Codex of the Sunstriders
Glorious Incandescence Savor the Moment Ignite the Future
Rondurmancy Memory of Al'ar Lessons in Debilitation
Nether Munitions Mark of the Firelord Death's Chill
Lit Fuse Scald Quickflame
Ashen Feather Fire's Ire Burden of Power
Majesty of the Phoenix Pyromaniac Blast Zone
Explosivo Explosive Ingenuity Spontaneous Combustion
Leysight Leydrinker Eureka
Time Loop Energized Familiar Improved Touch of the Magi
Phoenix Reborn Flame Accelerant Arcane Debilitation
Aether Attunement Magi's Spark Barrier Diffusion
Surging Urge Sparking Cinders Heat Shimmer
Molten Fury Inspired Intellect Gravity Lapse
Permafrost Lances High Voltage Static Cloud
Consortium's Bauble Big Brained Resonant Orbs
Dematerialize Energy Reconstitution Waterbolt
Freeze Water Jet Wizardry
Fireball Flamestrike Mastery: Ignite
Arcane Blast Arcane Barrage Mastery: Icicles
Cauterize Fire Mage Frost Mage
Arcane Mage Blizzard Mastery: Savant
Hot Streak Cold Snap Mana Adept
Mastery: Icicles Improved Prismatic Barrier Fuel the Fire
Arcane Mage Mage Fire Mage
Frost Mage Glyph of Crittermorph Arcane Momentum
Glyph of Evaporation Glyph of the Unbound Elemental Glyph of Sparkles
Glyph of Smolder Glyph of Polymorphic Proportions Glyph of the Tides
Glyph of Storm's Wake Dalaran Brilliance Glyph of the Dark Depths
Glyph of Steaming Fury Glyph of the Cold Waves Glyph of Lavish Servings
Glyph of Shifting Power Glyph of Radiant Spark Kleptomania
Temporal Shield Ice Form Concentrated Coolness
World in Flames Greater Pyroblast Master of Escape
Chrono Shift Ice Wall Ring of Fire
Arcanosphere Snowdrift Glass Cannon
Frost Bomb Icy Feet Master Shepherd
Ethereal Blink Improved Mass Invisibility Fireheart
Touch of the Magi Ebonbolt Portal: Dalaran - Broken Isles
Radiant Spark Shifting Power Mirrors of Torment
Deathborne Shifting Power Incanter's Ward
Harmonic Echo Death's Fathom Sinful Delight
Heart of the Fae Unrelenting Cold Shivering Core
Icy Propulsion Ice Bite Winter's Protection
Flow of Time Grounding Surge Infernal Cascade
Master Flame Arcane Prodigy Nether Precision
Discipline of the Grove Gift of the Lich Ire of the Ascended
Siphoned Malice Cryo-Freeze Diverted Energy
Magi's Brand Flame Accretion Artifice of the Archmage
Incantation of Swiftness Tempest Barrier Controlled Destruction
Replenish Mana Crittermorph Conjure Familiar
Summon Icy Familiar Summon Fiery Familiar Summon Arcane Familiar
Unbound Elemental Evaporation Refreshment
Dalaran Brilliance Sparkles Smolder
Polymorphic Proportions Zann'esu Journey Pyrotex Ignition Cloth
The Night's Dichotomy Glyph of the Tides Storm's Wake
Dalaran Brilliance Glyph of the Dark Depths Glyph of Steaming Fury
Glyph of the Cold Waves Lavish Servings Demon Hunter Havoc Class Set 4pc
Mage Arcane Class Set 2pc Mage Arcane Class Set 4pc Mage Fire Class Set 2pc
Mage Fire Class Set 4pc Seething Chaos Bursting Energy
Mage Arcane 10.1 Class Set 2pc Mage Arcane 10.1 Class Set 4pc Mage Fire 10.1 Class Set 2pc
Mage Fire 10.1 Class Set 4pc Mage Frost 10.1 Class Set 2pc Mage Frost 10.1 Class Set 4pc
Charring Embers Calefaction Calefaction
Shattered Ice Arcane Overload Flame's Fury
Mage Arcane 10.2 Class Set 2pc Mage Arcane 10.2 Class Set 4pc Mage Fire 10.2 Class Set 2pc
Mage Fire 10.2 Class Set 4pc Mage Frost 10.2 Class Set 2pc Mage Frost 10.2 Class Set 4pc
Glacial Blast Searing Rage Mage Fire 10.2 Class Set 4pc
Forethought Arcane Artillery Arcane Battery
Frostfire Empowerment Survivalist's Biscuit Survivalist's Purified Water
Charring Embers Arcane Debilitation Aether Attunement
Mage Frost 11.0 Class Set 2pc Mage Frost 11.0 Class Set 4pc Mage Fire 11.0 Class Set 4pc
Mage Fire 11.0 Class Set 2pc Mage Arcane 11.0 Class Set 2pc Mage Arcane 11.0 Class Set 4pc
Permafrost Lances Blessing of the Phoenix Intuition
Frigid Pulse
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