Quick Facts

A Burden Shared

Collect 10 Memory Stones, create your own Memory Stone, and then dissolve the stones in the Flame of Reprieve.


Memory Stones collected (10)
Velen's Memory Stone (1)
Hatuun's Memory Stone (1)
Romuul's Memory Stone (1)
Ataanya's Memory Stone (1)
Arzaal's Memory Stone (1)
Boros's Memory Stone (1)
Nobundo's Memory Stone (1)
Ishanah's Memory Stone (1)
Naielle's Memory Stone (1)
Akama's Memory Stone (1)


Personal Memory Stone created (1)


Memory Stones dissolved (1)


The Tishamaat was once a solitary holiday. Each eredar would inscribe a stone with a painful memory we carried. We would reflect on what that memory could teach us then commit to moving forward with that wisdom. At last, the stones are dissolved in the Flame of Reprieve, symbolically removing the weight from our souls. Today, the Tishamaat will be celebrated not in solitude, but as a community. Gather the stones of those who would trust you with them then take them to the flame.


You will receive:


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(78082))

