Quick Facts

Think of the Critters

Approach and feed Hungry Gromits in Korthia.
Critters cared for (6)
Provided item:
Korthian Treat (1)


The wildlife of Korthia have been through so much. Some of them can't seem to find enough to eat. I've saved some extra food that we can share with them. But I'm worried that they might be too shy to trust us, and I don't blame them! Here. Take these treats and see if you can get close enough to them to feed them properly. Even small creatures are so important.



You will receive:
Stag Soul Vestments of the Twilight Grove
Slippers of the Twilight Grove Handwraps of the Twilight Grove
Hood of the Twilight Grove Leggings of the Twilight Grove
Mantle of the Twilight Grove Sash of the Twilight Grove
Wraps of the Twilight Grove Drape of the Twilight Grove
Ancient Anima Vessel Scholarly Attendant's Bangle
Show 6 More
Vault Emberstone Old God Specimen Jar
Naaru Shard Fragment Tattered Fae Designs
Perplexing Rune-Cube Death's Advance


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(64104))

