Quick Facts

Mawsworn Battle Plans

Retrieve the Mawsworn Battle Plans.
Mawsworn Battle Plans (1)


Which is more damaging to the enemy, destroying a contingent of their forces or interrupting their communications? Better yet, what if that communication allows you to best place your forces to ambush their reinforcements? I see you understand. There will be a Mawsworn lieutenant, Voxiferus, traveling from the Maw into Korthia, by way of the northern road. Find them, kill them, and bring me the battle plans.




You will receive:
Radiant Court Cape Radiant Court Wraps
Radiant Court Sash Radiant Court Leggings
Radiant Court Hood Radiant Court Handwraps
Radiant Court Slippers Radiant Court Vestments
Redeemed Inquisitor's Robes Redeemed Inquisitor's Slippers
Redeemed Inquisitor's Handwraps Redeemed Inquisitor's Hood
Show 13 More
Redeemed Inquisitor's Leggings Redeemed Inquisitor's Mantle
Redeemed Inquisitor's Sash Redeemed Inquisitor's Wraps
Ancient Anima Vessel Scholarly Attendant's Bangle
Vault Emberstone Ripped Cosmology Chart
Shattered Void Tablet Forbidden Weapon Schematics
Korthian Cypher Book Death's Advance
Court of Harvesters


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(63781))

