Quick Facts

Somebody Feed Kevin

Consume 8 fallen enemies to grow Kevin to full size.
Fallen enemies consumed by Kevin (8)
Return to Plague Devisor Marileth (1)


Kevin mounted (1)


Attacking forces repelled  (10) (1)
Mawsworn Eviscerator slain (6)
Mawsworn Veteran slain (67)


My family of slimes is always hungry for anima. Thankfully the bodies of the defeated here are a good source! The more the slimes consume the larger they grow. Then what remains of the fallen will become part of our wonderful, happy family. Take Kevin and let him consume fallen enemies till he is fully grown, then unleash him upon our foes!



You will receive:
Vial of Caustic Liquid Engorged Monstrosity's Heart
Stabilized Plague Strain Preserved Preternatural Braincase
Steelcore Helmet Corpsehide Gloves
Steelcore Gauntlets Bloodsilk Gloves
Fleshscale Gauntlets Bloodsilk Hood
Fleshscale Coif Corpsehide Helm
Show 14 More
Bloodsilk Wristwraps Steelcore Wristwraps
Fleshscale Wristwraps Gorewrought Tome
Magi's Brand Plague-Etched Hacker
Demonic Momentum Focused Light
Maldraxxi Champion's Armaments Ritual Maldracite Crystal
Battle-Tested Armor Component Juvenile Sporespindle
Urn of Arena Soil Bonus Experience


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(63669))

