Quick Facts

A Somber Melody

Dissipate 15 Kyrian memories along the roads of Bastion.


Kyrian echoes dissipated  (15) (1)
Provided item:
Eonian Lyre (1)


Though we kyrian cease to be should we perish in battle here, there is much power within Bastion itself that can call forth echoes of our former brothers and sisters. These memories wander the roads. At times, they take on some purpose they served in their eternity here--crafting goods, guarding our sacred grounds, and the like. Take my lyre. Its ancient melody will dispel the memories, and in the process charge it with the residual energy of our realm.



You will receive:
Centurion Power Core Illustrated Combat Meditation Aid
Spiritmender's Slippers Soulbearer's Boots
Soulbearer's Helm Soulbearer's Bracers
Forgehand's Sabatons Forgehand's Headgear
Shieldguard's Warboots Shieldguard's Greathelm
Shieldguard's Vambraces Honortoll Gavel
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Grateful Offering Bonus Experience
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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(61209))

