Quick Facts

Ghost of a Company Town

Use the Investigate ability to find clues about what happened in Taelloch.
Tell Magni you are ready to go (1)
Enter the town (1)
Investigate and inspect clues (6)
required: investigate door A (1)
required: knock on door A (1)
required: investigate market stall (1)
required: interact market stall (1)
required: investigate slate 02 (1)
required: interact slate 02 (1)
required: investigate slate 04 (1)
required: interact slate 04 (1)
required: investigate door C (1)
required: knock on door C (1)
required: investigate tools (1)
required: interact tools (1)
knock on door B (1)
knock on door D (1)
interact 5: slate (1)
Investigate the call for help (1)


The foreman isn't here. Obviously. But the evidence points to her being here recently. So perhaps she's still nearby! We should go further into town and see if anyone has any idea where she might be. Or maybe someone else can give us the answers we need. Maybe we'll find out on our own! Maybe it was some sort of attack or some kind of... sorry. I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's go investigate!



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Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(78697))

