Quick Facts

Greatest of Threats

Eliminate two rare enemies within the Obsidian Citadel or Slagmire.


Rare Enemies slain  (2) (1)


Powerful djaradin and other creatures threaten both the Obsidian Citadel and the safety of my flight. This cannot stand. Help secure the area. Seek out and eliminate two of our most powerful enemies.




You will receive:
Depleted Primal Chaos Cobalt Watcher's Vestment
Cobalt Watcher's Sandals Cobalt Watcher's Handwraps
Cobalt Watcher's Cowl Cobalt Watcher's Leggings
Cobalt Watcher's Cord Cobalt Watcher's Cuffs
Ottuk Hide Waders Ottuk Hide Grips
Ottuk Hide Helm Ottuk Hide Breeches
Show 44 More
Ottuk Hide Sash Ottuk Hide Bindings
Ohn'ahran Falconer's Chainmail Ohn'ahran Falconer's Striders
Ohn'ahran Falconer's Grips Ohn'ahran Falconer's Coif
Ohn'ahran Falconer's Greaves Ohn'ahran Falconer's Shoulderguards
Ohn'ahran Falconer's Cinch Ohn'ahran Falconer's Bracers
Wyrmforged Helm Wyrmforged Breastplate
Wyrmforged Sabatons Wyrmforged Gauntlets
Wyrmforged Legguards Wyrmforged Mantle
Wyrmforged Girdle Wyrmforged Armplates
Ottuk Hide Vest Ottuk Hide Epaulets
Cobalt Watcher's Shoulderpads Thrumming Celestial Arrangement
Ceremonial Ohn'ir Dagger Nokhud Impaling Halberd
Maruuk Battle Standard Ohn'ahran Falconer's Belt
Battle-Scarred Scale Bloodcharger's Skewer
Razortooth Harpoon Elder's Bioluminous Quarterstaff
Empowered Shortsword of Insight Azure Arcanic Amplifier
Lifeflame Ampoule Dreamscape Prism
Shadowflame Residue Sack Large Shadowflame Residue Sack
Faint Whispers of Dreaming Tangible Whispers of Dreaming
Awakening Stone Wing Awakening Ruby Wing
Dragon Isles Supplies Dragon Isles Supplies
Dragon Isles Supplies Dragon Isles Supplies


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(72447))

