Quick Facts

The Weight of Stone

Assist the Stone Legion in delivering supplies and anima.
Talk to Darkwing Legionnaire (1)
Supplies delivered (10)
Anima deployed (10)


The campaign continues, $p. The Stone Legion is here to turn the tide of battle. First, we must deliver supplies to our allies. The broken land of Korthia means we are the only ones who can keep our troops supplied. Second, we must deal with the mawsworn and the devourers. I have a very simple strategy. We are going to drop anima onto the mawsworn. That will attract the devourers to attack. Either they kill the mawsworn, or the mawsworn kills them. Regardless, we win.



You will receive:
Radiant Court Cape Radiant Court Wraps
Radiant Court Sash Radiant Court Leggings
Radiant Court Hood Radiant Court Handwraps
Radiant Court Slippers Radiant Court Vestments
Redeemed Inquisitor's Robes Redeemed Inquisitor's Slippers
Redeemed Inquisitor's Handwraps Redeemed Inquisitor's Hood
Show 13 More
Redeemed Inquisitor's Leggings Redeemed Inquisitor's Mantle
Redeemed Inquisitor's Sash Redeemed Inquisitor's Wraps
Redeemed Inquisitor's Drape Ancient Anima Vessel
Scholarly Attendant's Bangle Vault Emberstone
Old God Specimen Jar Naaru Shard Fragment
Tattered Fae Designs Perplexing Rune-Cube
Death's Advance


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(64018))

