Quick Facts

A Shady Place

Use the Unbalanced Riftstone to enter the rift and break Rift-Veiled Traps to free $1a Riftbound Vorkai.
A (3)
B (3)
C (3)
E (3)
D (3)
F (3)
Use the Unstable Riftstone to enter the Rift (1)
Hungering Manifestations slain in the rift (8)
Riftbound Vorkai freed (4)
Provided item:
Unbalanced Riftstone (1)


Existence is not a simple thing, $p. It is layers upon layers of realities. The Jailer's traps are pulling our troops into one such rift, hidden from normal sight. I have obtained an Unbalanced Riftstone. It will give you the ability to enter the rift and destroy the traps keeping our troops trapped inside, before they are lost forever. After you've destroyed the Rift-Veiled Traps, exit the rift and pull the trapped soldiers back into our reality.




You will receive:
Vial of Caustic Liquid Beating Abomination Core
Gorewrought Medallion Gorewrought Drape
Engorged Monstrosity's Heart Steelcore Helmet
Bloodsilk Robe Steelcore Chestplate
Fleshscale Chainmail Corpsehide Vest
Bloodsilk Hood Fleshscale Coif
Show 20 More
Corpsehide Helm Steelcore Legguards
Corpsehide Breeches Fleshscale Wristwraps
Corpsehide Wristwraps Gorewrought Stave
Gorewrought Bonesaw Gorewrought Crusher
Gorewrought Greatstaff Gorewrought Crossbow
Gorewrought Greatsword Gorewrought Spellblade
Maldraxxi Champion's Armaments Ritual Maldracite Crystal
Battle-Tested Armor Component Juvenile Sporespindle
Necromancy for the Practical Ritualist Urn of Arena Soil
Undying Army Bonus Experience


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(63951))


