Quick Facts

Dead On Their Feet

Use the Cohesion Crystal to create bodies for 10 Defiant Souls.
Defiant Souls bound to bodies (10)
Provided item:
Cohesion Crystal (1)


As the Jailer twists the souls here to his will, there are still some that continue to resist him. I shall give you the ability to aid them in their resistance. Through Necrotic Cohesion we shall bind the runes, armor, and bones that reside here to create bodies for these souls. Bodies that will allow them to fight for us and their freedom! Bind the Zealous souls and build us an army!



You will receive:
Flame of Battle Rejuvenating Serum
Beating Abomination Core Engorged Monstrosity's Heart
Stabilized Plague Strain Preserved Preternatural Braincase
Steelcore Chestplate Corpsehide Boots
Corpsehide Gloves Steelcore Gauntlets
Bloodsilk Gloves Fleshscale Gauntlets
Show 22 More
Corpsehide Spaulders Steelcore Shoulders
Bloodsilk Mantle Fleshscale Mantle
Steelcore Girdle Bloodsilk Cord
Fleshscale Belt Corpsehide Belt
Bloodsilk Wristwraps Steelcore Wristwraps
Fleshscale Wristwraps Corpsehide Wristwraps
Ferocious Appetite Royal Decree
Maldraxxi Champion's Armaments Ritual Maldracite Crystal
Battle-Tested Armor Component Juvenile Sporespindle
Necromancy for the Practical Ritualist Urn of Arena Soil
Bonus Experience Undying Army


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(63455))

