Quick Facts
Kun-Lai Summit
  1. Call Out Their Leader
  2. All of the Arrows
  3. Hit Medicine
  4. Enraged Vengeance
  5. The Waterspeaker's Staff
  6. Free the Dissenters
  7. The Ritual
  8. Cleansing the Mere
  9. The Fall of Shai Hu
  10. Admiral Taylor has Awakened
  11. General Nazgrim has Awakened
  12. Westwind Rest
  13. Eastwind Rest
  14. Challenge Accepted
  15. Challenge Accepted
  16. Trouble on the Farmstead
  17. Trouble on the Farmstead
  18. Farmhand Freedom
  19. ... and the Pot, Too!
  20. Deanimate the Reanimated
  21. Deanimate the Reanimated
  22. Mogu?! Oh No-gu!
  23. Mogu?! Oh No-gu!
  24. Pandaren Prisoners
  25. Barrels of Fun
  26. In Tents Channeling
  27. The Ordo Warbringer
  28. Pandaren Prisoners
  29. Barrels of Fun
  30. In Tents Channeling
  31. The Ordo Warbringer
  32. The Missing Muskpaw
  33. At the Yak Wash
  34. Yakity Yak
  35. Back in Yak
  36. Path Less Traveled
  37. Instant Courage
  38. Resupplying One Keg
  39. They Stole My Luck!
  40. Comin' Round the Mountain
  41. One Traveler's Misfortune
  42. Seeker's Folly
  43. Seeker's Folly
  44. The Tongue of Ba-Shon
  45. It Was Almost Alive
  46. The Tomb of Shadows
  47. Breaking the Emperor's Shield
  48. Stealing Their Thunder King
  49. Lessons from History
  50. Chasing the Storm
  51. Fisherman's Tale
  52. A Celestial Experience
  53. A Celestial Experience
  54. It Takes A Village
  55. Handle With Care
  56. What's Yours Is Mine
  57. Make A Fighter Out of Me
  58. Enemies At Our Door
  59. Revelations
  60. The Burlap Trail: To Burlap Waystation
  61. The Rabbitsfoot
  62. The Broketooth Ravage
  63. A Monkey Idol
  64. No Pack Left Behind
  65. Lucky Yakshoe
  66. Hozen Love Their Keys
  67. The Snackrifice
  68. Grummle! Grummle! Grummle!
  69. Unleash The Yeti!
  70. The Leader Hozen
  71. The Burlap Trail: To Kota Basecamp
  72. Kota Blend
  73. A Fair Trade
  74. The Burlap Grind
  75. The Defense of Shado-Pan Fallback
  76. Turnabout
  77. Unmasking the Yaungol
  78. To Winter's Blossom
  79. A Line Unbroken
  80. Honor, Even in Death
  81. To the Wall!
  82. Off the Wall!
  83. A Terrible Sacrifice
  84. Lao-Chin's Gambit
  85. Do a Barrel Roll!
  86. Finish This!
  87. Where are My Reinforcements?
  88. Unbelievable!

Resupplying One Keg

Recover 8 Stolen Supplies from Howlingwind Cavern.
Stolen Supplies (8)


If you're looking for the best supplies in Kun-Lai you've come to the right place! Oh sure, it looks a bit empty. Don't let appearances deceive you..

Oh, who am I kidding?! Between the hozen attacks, and the sprites pillaging what few supplies we do get, my stock has dwindled to a dangerous level.

If you could help me recover some of my supplies I should have enough to contribute to your journey.




You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Wallwatcher Wristwraps Summit Guardian Wristwraps
Yak Herder Wristwraps Silentleaf Wristwraps
Mindbender Wristwraps Serenity Wristwraps
Dreaming Spirit Wristwraps Mushan Hide Wristwraps
Waterfall Wristwraps
You will receive:


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(30618))

