Quick Facts
  1. This Just In: Fire Still Hot!
  2. Trolls Is Gone Crazy!
  3. In Search Of Answers
  4. Orders From Drakuru
  5. The Ebon Watch
  6. Crusader Forward Camp
  7. That's What Friends Are For...
  8. Making Something Out Of Nothing
  9. Light Won't Grant Me Vengeance
  10. A Great Storm Approaches
  11. Gymer's Salvation
  12. Kickin' Nass and Takin' Manes
  13. An Invitation, of Sorts...
  14. Darkness Calling
  15. Near Miss
  16. Close Call
  17. You Can Run, But You Can't Hide
  18. Silver Lining
  19. Dressing Down
  20. Suit Up!
  21. Our Only Hope
  22. The Storm King's Vengeance
  23. Infiltrating Voltarus
  24. Dark Horizon
  25. Reunited
  26. So Far, So Bad
  27. Hazardous Materials
  28. Sabotage
  29. Betrayal
  30. Parachutes for the Argent Crusade
  31. Pa'Troll
  32. Creature Comforts
  33. Something for the Pain
  34. Throwing Down
  35. Leave No One Behind
  36. Cocooned!
  37. Death to the Necromagi
  38. Skimmer Spinnerets
  39. Malas the Corrupter
  40. Crashed Sprayer
  41. A Tangled Skein
  42. Pure Evil
  43. Lab Work
  44. New Orders for Sergeant Stackhammer
  45. Trouble at the Altar of Sseratus
  46. Argent Crusade, We Are Leaving!
  47. Mopping Up
  48. Strange Mojo
  49. Precious Elemental Fluids
  50. Mushroom Mixer
  51. Too Much of a Good Thing
  52. To the Witch Doctor
  53. Breaking Through Jin'Alai
  54. To Speak With Har'koa
  55. But First My Offspring
  56. Spirit of Rhunok
  57. My Prophet, My Enemy
  58. An End to the Suffering
  59. The Amphitheater of Anguish: Yggdras!
  60. The Amphitheater of Anguish: Yggdras!
  61. The Amphitheater of Anguish: Magnataur!
  62. The Amphitheater of Anguish: From Beyond!
  63. The Amphitheater of Anguish: Tuskarrmageddon!
  64. The Amphitheater of Anguish: Korrak the Bloodrager!
  65. The Champion of Anguish
  66. Back to Har'koa
  67. I Sense a Disturbance
  68. Preparations for the Underworld
  69. Seek the Wind Serpent Goddess
  70. Setting the Stage
  71. Foundation for Revenge
  72. Hell Hath a Fury
  73. One Last Thing
  74. Blood of a Dead God
  75. You Reap What You Sow
  76. The Key of Warlord Zol'Maz
  77. Rampage
  78. The Gods Have Spoken
  79. Convocation at Zol'Heb

Throwing Down

Captain Rupert at Drak'Sotra wants you to use High Impact Grenades near 5 Nerubian Craters.


Nerubian Tunnels Sealed (5)
Provided item:
High Impact Grenade (1)



Just when it seemed we were getting things under control, they tunneled right underneath us and secured the shrine!

Now we're caught between two Nerubian armies and our predicament is worsening by the minute.

As our first course of action, we must stop them from reinforcing. Their tunnels must be sealed.

Take these grenades and throw them down their craters to the northwest.




You will receive:


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(12598))

