Don't think this should be tagged as live!
Should this have a 'Live' tag...?EDIT:No-one seems to be in any hurry to change the tagging - guess no-one cares...
Where are the reworks for WW?
face meet palm SMH
-50DKP, Squishei... ya got it wrong again.
That is an actual choice for the Demon Hunters of Necrolords? Jesus that sounds terrible. I mean you have to spawn A MOB to kill just to get the buff? In what content that would be useful? Raiding? Nope. Dungeons? Nope. Open world? Annoying and useless as its duration/cd not needed for questing and you are summoning an additional mob to fight. They better change it or Necrolords will be the least picked Demon Hunter covenant.
Blizzard, rethink every Ret Paladin Covenant ability.Especially Aura of Seasons.I mean why would you give Paladins an ability that benefits OTHER classes more than it benefits you?Divine Toll sounds good till it's a single target fight then it's literally just a judgment Ashen Hallow...... come on.... an ability on a long cd that is a stand in effect? There's a reason that nobody in the game likes Galecaller's in BFA.Cause stand in effects are impractical in ANY fight scenario.The Necrolord ability is the only one that is even half decent. Throw a hammer that makes your next Templar's Verdict auto cast Divine Storm.Ok. I can get down with that. It's a legit ability with a not so long CD that is good in both ST and AoE situations.
Come on boys... I think that "Live" tag is just a mistake... They're working hard to give us much informations as they can, so a little fail is acceptable.
Why is this tagged as live? I dont like to read about stuff thats about to come.