Ysera came back like a year ago to hang out with Merithra off-screen and then pat everyone on the back, lol. This was entirely an excuse to keep Malfurion out of the Emerald Dream storyline which is insane writing tbh
Hmm is it strange, I'd rather have Ysera stay, and Malfurion not back with Tyrande?
Can we trade him for Ursoc? I know he's "superdead" but that has never stopped them before.
Just let the poor guy go back to sleep for a few xpacs. He's earned a rest. Yeesh.
Look, folks, we've got this guy, Malfurion, okay? Big-time druid, or so they say. But let's be honest, he's not that great. He spends centuries sleeping – believe me, I know leaders, and leaders don't just take naps while the world is changing. And his decisions? Questionable. He's always talking about balance and nature, but where's the action? Where's the strength? He lets his brother, Illidan, run wild. Not strong leadership, believe me. And let's not forget, he's always relying on others to fix his problems. A leader should be decisive, powerful, not constantly asking adventurers to clean up his messes. We need leaders who can make Azeroth great, not take long naps and talk about trees. That's what I think about Malfurion. Not impressed, folks, not impressed at all.
I think it would be really cool if T and M would just walk around the zone together, enjoying it. Lots of chatting we could listen to. They've only waited really thousands of years for it.
Yea this smells like a Metzen decision.We still haven't heard anything out of Danuser since like May, have we?
Ysera should've returned to the Dream when Merithra took over the role of aspect. I have my concerns regarding why Ysera got to stick around as a useless background character over Malfurion, and I certainly hope my concerns are unfounded and simply coincidental, but still. Good for Tyrande though; she can finally rest AND be with her husband at the same time.
Just bring back Sylvanas. have her sitting in the throne in Gilneas >:)
Not a surprise considering he was a placeholder for Ysera and she went back to release him.
Weak superheroes came back!Malfurion says :"Oohh mighty champion! Pleaseee.. Help me!"As always he is useless and we don't need him in lore.Still waiting for Illidan, Sylvannas bla bla. Nathanos is better than Malfuion.
Why the @#$% do y'all think Malfurion, a random mortal, even if an ancient druid, could EVER be more powerful than Ysera The Dreamer, aspect of the green dragonflight, empowered by the Winter Queen and Elune both?
Instead of adding more buildings and NPCs to Bel'Ameth, they should add the same buildings and NPCs to actual Night Elf zones like Ashenvale or Darkshore (which according to ingame events were retaken and reinforced since the middle of BfA), and the World Tree already existing in Mount Hyjal (which is where a large number of Kaldorei refugees resettled according to canon book lore). Just as we saw the Forsaken starting to rebuild their lands and just as the Worgen will go and re-settle in their own home next patch rather than moving to Bradensbrook in Legion (despite not having controlled it since Cata and Gilneas having nothing to do with the Dragon Isles, the game can clearly go back to places when the story and lore warrants).If Amirdrassil is going to stay on the coast of the Ohnahran Plains, just let that braindead plotline go instead of compounding the issues by dumping more dev time into it. We grew a Tree at the Dragon Isles, which was used to benefit the Dragon Aspects, fantastic. But if you're going to keep adding NElf NPCs back into world, add them where they belong - the Feathermoon Stronghold, Endre'thalas, Ashenvale, Hyjal, Moonglade, etc. Because right now all the current dev team seems to be doing is keeping and even increasing the number of displaced Night Elf refugees, and shows every important NElf like Shandris, Jarod, Maiev, the Highborne, Malfurion, and Tyrande driven away from their ancestral homelands and resettled away from the majority of their people who still live in Northern Kalimdor on the other side of the world (showing up for the post-Fyrakk party is one thing, putting them there permanently is another).Either make Amirdrassil "the" new Kaldorei capital which they initially tried to go for according to early NPC dialogue (in which case it needs to be moved to Kalimdor, the same way Dalaran was moved multiple times or the same way Falinesti the wandering tree in TES moves), or if they want to go for "a" settlement the way it's more recently described, keep it like the NElf settlements around the other World Tree in Val'sharah (but in that case you need to stop moving all relevant NPCs and their government into a scuffed camp on the Dragon Isles away from their already existing, bigger, historical, more central and consecutive NElf holdings). Cause right now, the "finally we have a new home" thing makes no sense because the tree isn't providing housing or immortality or anything for the NElfs, their "capital" is just 5 buildings they themselves built on a small patch of ground over the time period of a single patch, and a moonwell they themselves created with waters they had all this time - so obviously if that's all it took to have a new capital they would have already had one in Ashenvale or Hyjal (since Hyjal has both a tree and the well of eternity, and we know those regions were retaken and fortified) ever since BfA.