I can't believe they couldn't just filter out key words like WTS, sell, and boost.
I will be honest but I do not see any downsides. Using the group finder tool to make a group for any unsoloable leveling quests has been one of the most futile things to even attempt. The chances that you have the group going when another person momentarily shows interest in possibly doing the quest upon picking it up is extremely small.You know what is the FAR easier method of accomplishing the same thing? Popping a single question in the zone wide chat "Anyone wanna do X quest?". This is literally how I gotten most of them completed(the rest completed themselves because someone else was in the area and emergent groupless cooperation ensued)The current Group Finder is nearly useless for low levels, and the only use for it is literally partaking in boosting :P
Isn't this a bit backward. Shouldn't bliz be encouraging people to group together? Botters and boosters will find a way, but this hurts the casual person that is looking to kill stuff that you actually need a group for. How many quests say you should have 3 or even 5 people. Just because those people aren't in your CRZ doesn't mean there aren't people looking to do that content in another CRZ.
Good change, the boost spam needs to be stopped right there.
Punishes people? What? Does anyone use premade when leveling? If so, they need to learn to play better. Any elite mob I've ever come across I've been able to solo, if i haven't ive just moved on. Does it matter if I can't kill one rate whilst leveling? No!This is a good decision. Another thing they need to do if they're doing it for boosters is make a BRAND NEW CHANNEL for boost services, i disable /2 on all toons because i won't ever need it. It's just annoying when you can't use trade chat because of boosts.
Are people genuinely having a meltdown over this? Can wowhead just create a specific cry forum where people can post this stuff, its just absurd and means you can barely seen any constructive comments.
So ^&*!ing lame.
It's a good change. I don't think it'll entirely fix the whole problem, but it's a step in the right direction. You don't need to search/make pre-made groups for low level stuff. If you're stuck on a quest, even if you make a group right now, no one is gonna join it. Ask in /1 and you'll have much more chance finding people then.Stuff like Herald of the Titans are usually formed through Discord communities, or even in-game communities/guilds. It's way easier to join Discord channels for any low level achievements.
I'm happy that my premades wont have the annoyance of low lvl scrubs begging to get in achievement runs cause they need old raid loot so bad for some reason.
I dont think low lvl players was actually using this thing so this boosters or sellers didn't get much profit on it. This become a thing on high levelsLeveling is way faster now so its not gonna be a big difference for them if anyAs we know blizzard isn't fast
People that want to buy boosts are going to buy boosts. All this does is take them from wow.exe and into chrome.exe to find their service... Blizzard needs to create a new trade panel for tradable services... Combining it into LFG or Trade Spam never was a good solution.
Uhh why?Just do your job and monitor the game to get rid of bots .. it's not that hard.&*!@ hire me and I'll do it!This isn't the way to handle the situation, you're just screwing over legitimate players.
lol because boosting is only done via looking for group. Trade and general city chat says hello. This is just something Blizzard is trying to do to stop the botting and real world trade being done. But hey, maybe for the first half patch of shadowlands I can open a looking for group, and not see half of it being scams.
Addon feature request* Advanced search that saves "does not contain any of these words" when filtering lfg
thank you
It’s fixing a hole with a sledgehammer. There’s more reasons for legitimate players to use the group finder below 50 than simply for boosting. For one you’ve got RP groups which regularly use this feature. Low level group quests, content locked stuff like Herald of the Titans. The system is already in place to stop people advertising- players report and they get timeouts for it Blizzard should stop fighting against the legit gold boosters and actually incorporate them- they won’t go away as long as it’s not against the rules, and much like the lessons that can be learned from private wow servers/classic wow, if the player base want something, they’ll find ways to do it (discord groups for boosts etc). Blizzard can easily cut out the middleman and make the process more legitimate as they have done (reluctantly) for other things in the past. The more you fight it, the more creative the workarounds become, and the more disruptive and problematic it becomes to the regular player base
This isn't going to stop people boosting at all but any step towards removing anything along the lines of group finder is a positive.