the achievement edgelords should totally give "the edgelord" title =)
It's interesting what they're doing with the Draenor mess, it seems that blizzard is devaluing the light in the lore like "this isn't just the good guys, even faith in the light can lead to extremism" sort of idea. And that since Illidan and Xe'ra. Also cool they found a good utility for the trilobite mount! P.S:
As someone said on battlenet forum, it's a bad choice to make the draenei the fanatics of light. What made them different from everyone else is that they didn't have to force anyone to their beliefs. They were the peaceful guys unless someone gave them a reason to fight. We already have the LF, who sort of became fanatics (but they remain reasonable), and it's understandable - after thousands of years of fighting demons etc., relying only on the Naaru - the light gave them hope and strength.And now this? Yrel was a good character, and I would NEVER suspect her of being able to push anyone to change their beliefs. Especially after how WOD ended. They were supposed to have peace, right? It's good to see brave draenei kicking a$$es but we already got it on Argus. But eh, maybe they'll make another path of glory with orcish skulls.PS I haven't read everything on the topic, but I wanted to share my thoughts on what I already know.
Xe'ra has shown the extreme side of the Light, and I think it was already enough - it's obvious that every kind of fanaticism is wrong, no matter what it's about. Fel, arcane, shadow, plague, now even the light. Wait till we see Cenarion Circle go full maniacs.
Xe'ra's "extreme side of the Light" amounted to wanting to cure one fel-addled edgelord against his will because she thought she was helping him.Consent issues? Sure. But how exactly do you go from well intentioned and seeking only to cure to "the Scarlet Crusade with hooves".Shouldn't she and the Lightbound be busy fighting for their Argus? Oh right. "One Legion". Wait.. what were they fleeing from then?Still I love how our only source for the Lightbound being hostile and brainwashed is a war criminal and those he's in charge of.Yeah I'm pretty sure if your only source on South Korea was Kim Jong Un you'd think they were a bunch of nasty hostile thieves and western puppets.I'd call that a clever way out of this mess on the writer's part... but there are no clever writers left at Blizz.It just irks how people just assume and accept that the Light now brainwashes and robs free will despite that never, ever happening before and the Light being the antithesis of that sort of thing. Brainwashing is the domain of shadow and the void. The Lightforged aren't brainwashed; if they were they never would've tolerated Alleria's presence after Xe'ra ordered her imprisoned Turalyon or not. For that matter Turalyon himself isn't brainwashed or he wouldn't stick by Alleria even after she becomes a void abomination.Even the Scarlet Crusade were merely deluded by a combination of blind fanatacism and a dreadlord's... shadow magic and had absolutely nothing to do with the naaru.
What's in the Box? Defeat Zek'voz in Uldir after exposing the Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron to the Projection of Yogg-Saron on Normal difficulty or higher.WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT? WE ARE GOING TO OPEN IT ?