I don't understand the Moonkin Hatchling "new" change, unless they are adding a unique summon so we can have both versions on either faction, but Karazhan 2: Eclectic Boogaloo ftw!And I may have missed an earlier discussion about this, but why load up only OGG audio without a fallback to MP3 (very easy to do)? We aren't all visiting with Firefox or Chrome. In fact, as of Firefox v21, MP3 was compatible across the board.
Called it, two headed mount. Bout time they implemented that from wc3.
nice maunt ;)
most awkard mount.... yah what's with karazhan, there's people making rumours alrdy that blizz gonna remove fiery warhorse reins ...
Those heads get along with each other way too well. Also, Animation=MountFlightRun
Who do I have to sell my soul to for that mount? Just show me the dotted line! *cuts finger tip!*
that mount yo! can't wait see how we'll get it :D
We yes, but Garrosh goes from another place for what the developers have told so far, Chronal Spire appears to be that path, and judging by the little early concept that appeared in Blizzcon, it really looks like the summit of Karazhan (only a theory of course :)).
I mean...it's a two headed mount with thrusters on it. How could I NOT want it?
i dont get it so are they changing kara?
An epic looking ground mount would have been more appropriate, methinks.
Oh god, they've done it. They made the mount I always wanted.Shut up and take my money.OMG IT *!@#ING SPINS!
Iron SkyreaverSteel Hellkite
I bought the mount on the PTR through the Blizzard store and it's hideous. The design, the flight animation, and the idle animations are all awkward, so I will not be spending money on this mount.
It's almost like people don't read patch notes. There will be no pre-expansion event this time around. They already said there wouldn't be.
Agreed it's definitely cool. We've gotten robot ostrich mounts, mammoths, dragons, even trikes for god's sake, and now a mount with two heads. I've been saying for years, and I really hope we finally get them in WoD, that Blizz implements a basilisk mount. This is a no-brainer in my eyes and I can't see how Blizz didn't make one years ago. I don't know why but I just think a mount with 6 legs would be insanely cool.