Over the last couple of days/weeks I've grown tired of all the posts from people complaining about Multiboxers and the markets crashing, as part of the shutdown or simply the end of expansion draught we're nearing.
So here are some thoughts and ideas, tips'n'tricks for phrases that I've read over and over, that might help you with your goldmaking. I will NOT go into excessive details, or at least try not to.
- "I can't make gold"
Well...you won't with that mindset. You can always "make" gold. And "make" I take literally. RAW GOLD is basically creating gold vs your playtime, albeit WQ's, Old Raids, Dungeons and the amount, at least for repeatable content like WQ and Dungeon farming all depend on your setup (speedchars obv better than slow dks). Before you log on your main, go 10x skyreach, 10x Bastion of Twilight (with PoT), 10x Freehold (trash only around 1st boss), FH for me takes 15 minutes and nets me 4-5k in VENDORVALUE (2,5k+ raw (selling all boe) + 70 satin + 950 linen with synchronous thread). Do it once per day and you MAKE 28-35k Raw gold per week. There's your free of AH US token per month, do it twice per day here's your free of AH EU token. Same goes for skyreach, iron docks, etc etc. BE CONSISTENT.
- "Nothing sells"
When nothing sells, either enter the undercutting wars, manipulate your competition out of the market or leave the market and enter new ones with higher entry levels or less competition. Or work around the AH completely via Tradechat. Become a supplier for a crafter, it's better to have cheaper and safe sales than no sales at all. If you struggle with BFA competition, look to older markets, since this problem is most talked about for fullpop servers. USE THE FULLPOP TO YOUR ADVANTAGE. Almost everything sells on a fullpop, sooner or later. You don't want to compete with AH-nolife-botlike behaviour? DIVERSIFY. Grab different Elementals, Primals, Volatiles, Old Herb/Ore, Leather but GET IT UP ON THE AH. You're missing out on an incredible amount of sales. But the GPH is bad? It's even worse if you don't sell anything.
- "Markets crashed"
We have the end of the expansion and the last patch is already there for a while + a shutdown with many people at home. It's absolutely no surprise low entry markets like herbalism crashed and probably will continue to crash into the ground. I always wonder why people want to compete in such low entry markets and complain about low prices. Like in real-life more valuable items require a higher entry level, or they lose their value. Why do you even want to compete in farming markets other than skinning (since only 1 character can actually skin). If you enjoy it, great, but then do it for your enjoyment and don't complain about the gph and the mb competition. What markets retain their value over the end of the expac, what might even rise in value? Ask yourself that question! Use TUJ for example to compare price-behavior for the last 2 expacs. "But I need gold fast!" - have you done your daily/weekly raw gold routine yet?
- Be creative!
"AWW MAN I only got 1 char and can't do all that" - "AWW MAN I only got so little time to play" NO! Your argument is invalid. You got 1 (probably 120) char and up to 12!!! 110 Class Trials. Use them! Transmute anchorweed on them to funnel your Alchemist, park them at vendors, check for rare npcs and sell the phasing, camp rares for yourself with them. 3 hours are a LOT of time if you only log-in, check, logout.
- Learn patience
If you want quick Gold, go buy a token. Otherwise, learn some patience. CONSISTENCY is king. A lot of you started rushing into goldmaking once you learned that the Brutosaur will be removed from the vendor in SL. WHY ARE YOU SO FOCUSED ON IT? You had the end of Legion + ALL of BFA to get him and work towards him. If you did not want it bad enough to work for it before, you might as well get 5 Million, keep them as capital and make a killing in SL, then at 15 million throw 10 million on it on the BMAH... or... you know... finance a 2nd account for years. As for competition, imagine this: you make a record label, and expect Warner B or Sony to welcome you in the market? They will do their utmost to either buy or hinder you as much as they can. THAT is the competition you're facing with long term "pros" at goldmaking. With money comes more money, but especially knowledge. To acquire more gold people have accumulated experience. This experience is NOT something you can learn in a day, it takes trial and error, success and consistency. You NEED to think for yourself, if you want to maximize your economic potential. For example, with BFA prices sinking more and more people are going to farm old world stuff like volatiles. DON'T jump the bandwagon, do it before them or after them and buy or hold when quantity explodes. What are they going to need though? POTIONS OF TREASURE FINDING, and take a guess who should be the one supplying them? Right, YOU!
Any questions into the comments pls. Have a nice day, Happy Goldmaking