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[Hallowfall Fishing Derby]

[Catch these Trophy Fish before the Derby Dasher buff expires: Dilly-Dally Dace, Dornish Pike, Azj-Kahet Slum Shark.]
[Catch a Trophy Dilly-Dally Dace] (1)
[Catch a Trophy Dornish Pike] (1)
[Catch a Trophy Azj-Kahet Slum Shark] (1)


[Life is always on the edge here, $p. Nerubians, kobyss, hunger--there's always something ready to kill you. So we need to find times to relax, and challenge ourselves at something other than survival. Like fishing. My dad always spent Saturdays fishing, when I was growing up. He'd say, "Take some time for yourself, or you can't be effective for others." So every Saturday, I challenge people to the Hallowfall Fishing Derby. You have one hour to catch trophy fish. See what you can bring me!]



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