간단 정보
이야기 전개

[What's Their Problem?]

[Defend Northshire.]


[Northshire defended] (1)
Defias Bandit 처치 (20)
Clessington Attendant 처치 (20)


Confused Recruit 처치  (34) (1)
Confused Commoner 처치 (34)
Defias Mage 처치 (20)
Duncon Ratsbon 처치 (13)
Enforcer Grant 처치 (20)
Enforcer Jennive 처치 (20)
Enforcer Tera 처치 (20)
Enforcer Horb 처치 (20)
Defias Rebel 처치 (20)
Defias Ringleader 처치 (13)


Stalwart Soldier 처치  (50) (1)


[Good to see you again, recruit. Wish it were in better circumstances. Whatever this "influence" is, anybody with half a grudge now thinks it's worth spilling blood over! Not to mention all the Defias bandits! And the hired thugs! At this rate, more soldiers from Stormwind will only create more confusion. From what I've seen, you can knock the sense back into most of these people. If they keep fighting you after their eyes have cleared... do what you must. They have made their choice.]



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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(72446))

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