Priory of the Sacred Flame Dungeon Overview for The War Within

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  • Tank:
    Captain Dailcry is protected by trusted guards who gain [Strength in Numbers].
    [Battle Cry] increases damage done by Captain Dailcry and his allies.
    [Pierce Armor] inflicts heavy bleed damage to Captain Dailcry's current target. (Challenge)
  • Damage Dealers:
    Captain Dailcry is protected by trusted guards who gain [Strength in Numbers].
    Ember attacks a player with [Savage Mauling] until Captain Dailcry's shield is broken.
    [Hurl Spear] inflicts heavy damage to players in the spear's path. (Challenge)
  • Healer:
    [Savage Mauling] inflicts heavy damage to the player caught in Ember's clutches.
    [Hurl Spear] inflicts heavy damage to players in the spear's path.
    [Pierce Armor] inflicts heavy bleed damage to Captain Dailcry's current target. (Challenge)

  • Captain Dailcry
    • Savage Mauling: Captain Dailcry commands Ember to maul a player, immobilizing them and inflicting 352418 Physical damage every 0.5 sec.
      Captain Dailcry protects Ember while she mauls her target, absorbing the next 100 damage. Breaking Dailcry's protection interrupts the effect.
    • Battle Cry: Captain Dailcry unleashes an intimidating Battle Cry inflicting 3083662 Physical damage to all players. Ignores armor.
      Captain Dailcry's Battle Cry inspires his allies, granting each of them 50 energy and increasing their damage done by 50% for 30 sec.
      This effect stacks.
    • Hurl Spear: Captain Dailcry hurls his spear towards a target, penetrating the armor of any players in its path and inflicting 3964708 Physical damage. Additionally, victims bleed for176209 Physical damage every 0.5 sec for 8 sec.
    • Pierce Armor: Captain Dailcry slashes at his current target, inflicting 6607847 Physical damage and causing the target to bleed for 176209 Physical damge every 1 sec for 10 sec.
      This effect stacks.
  • The Trusted Guard
    • Strength in Numbers: Captain Dailcry's loyal defenders inflict 200% increased damage for each nearby member of the Trusted Guard.
    • Bound by Fate: Captain Dailcry and his Trusted Guard are bound by holy light, causing all four to share health while near each other. (Challenge)
    • Elaena Emberlanz
      • Holy Radiance: Elaena Emberlanz channels the wrath of the light, inflicting 704837 Holy damage to all players every 1 sec for 8 sec.
      • Divine Judgment: Elaena Emberlanz calls down Divine Judgment on her current target, inflicting 2643139 Holy damage and increasing their damage taken by 25% for 6 sec.
      • Repentance: Elaena Emberlanz inflicts 1321569 Holy damage to a target player and incapacitates them for 8 sec.
    • Sergeant Shaynemail
      • Brutal Smash: Sergeant Shaynemail smashes the ground with powerful force, inflicting 8810462 Physical damage and stunning players with 8 yards for 5 sec.
      • Lunging Strike: Sergeant Shaynemail leaps at a nearby target, inflicting 4405231 Physical damage to players within 5 yards of the target and causing victims to bleed for an additional 1321569 Physical damage every 3 sec for 21 sec.
    • Taener Duelmal
      • Ember Storm: Taener Duelmal calls down burning embers that inflict 3524185 Fire damage to players within 3.5 yards of the impact locations.
      • Cinderblast: Taener Duelmal launches a devastating Cinderblast at a player, inflicting 1409674 Fire damage. The victim is stunned and suffers 881046 Fire damage every 1 sec for 5 sec.
      • Fireball: Taener Duelmal launches a fireball at a target player, inflicting 881046 Fire damage.

Distraught over the death of his brother, Barone Piccasolda has pledged his loyalty to Prioress Murrpray. The powerful knight now acts as her personal enforcer, protecting the secrets of the Priory from both outsiders and insufficiently loyal Arathi.

Baron Braunpyke hurls his [Castigator's Shield], unleashing [Castigator's Detonation] at the location of each player hit.
Upon reaching 100 Holy energy, Baron Braunpyke casts [Vindictive Wrath] to empower his other spells.

  • Vindictive Wrath: Baron Braunpyke empowers himself with the light, increasing Physical damage inflicted by 25% and empowers each of his spells.
  • Castigator's Shield: Baron Braunpyke Hierarch Ramiz hurls a holy shield at players, inflicting 1281826 Holy damage and reducing movement speed by 50% for 5 sec. Affects 2 total targets.
    All players hit by Castigator's Shield trigger Castigator's Detonation.
    If Baron Braunpyke is empowered with Vindictive Wrath , Castigator's Shield affects 5 players.
    • Castigator's Detonation: Holy energy explodes, inflicting 0 Holy damage to anyone within 12 yards of the point of impact.
  • Burning Light: Baron Braunpyke unleashes a burst of Holy light, inflicting an initial 1762092 Holy damage to all enemies within 50 followed by inflicting 2643139 Holy damage every 2 second for 12 sec. This burst of light also heals Baron Braunpyke for 40% his maximum health.
    If Baron Braunpyke is empowered with Vindictive Wrath , Burning Light cast time is halved.
  • Hammer of Purity: Baron Braunpyke calls light from the sky targeting 1 players, inflicting 2642947 Holy damage to any player in the area. This light creates 0 hammers that spiral out from the point of impact, inflicting 2642947 Holy damage to any player it contacts. If Baron Braunpyke is empowered with Vindictive Wrath , Hammer of Purity targets 5 players.
  • Sacred Pyre: Baron Braunpyke creates a pyre containing 3 charges of Sacrificial Flame that persists for until canceled. Each time a player comes into contact with the Sacred Pyre it consumes a charge to apply Sacrificial Flame to the player, inflicting 6 Holy damage every 1 sec for 5 sec.
    Unleashed Pyre is triggered if any charges remain whenSacred Pyre expires.
    If Baron Braunpyke is empowered with Vindictive Wrath , Sacred Pyre has 5 charges.

Priora Fedecerda directed the building of the Priory of the Sacred Flame to contemplate the sacred star Beledar. Insight into the emperor's vision has proved elusive. Instead, she has discovered secrets of the Sacred Flame that will bring them victory over their enemies in Hallowfall, and at home in the empire.

Prioress Murrpray harnesses the power of the Sacred Flame to vanquish her foes, burning them with [Purifying Light] leaving destruction in its wake. Upon reaching 50% health Prioress Murrpray retreats to the Sacred Flame to harness its power, calling for the assistance of Arathor Devoted and empowering their [Inner Light].
  • Tank:
    Prioress Murrpray inflicts massive Holy damage during [Inner Light].
    Help control the Arathor Devoted using crowd control abilities. (Challenge)
  • Damage Dealers:
    Prioress Murrpray inflicts increasing Holy damage to the group during [Embrace the Light] until [Barrier of Light] is broken and she is interrupted.
    [Holy Flame] inflicts massive Holy damage to a player and their nearby allies.
    Help control the Arathor Devoted using crowd control abilities. (Challenge)
  • Healer:
    Prioress Murrpray inflicts massive Holy damage to the group during [Inner Light].
    [Holy Flame] inflicts massive Holy damage to a player and their nearby allies and can be dispelled.
    Prioress Murrpray inflicts increasing Holy damage to the group during [Embrace the Light] until she is interrupted. (Challenge)

  • Prioress Murrpray
    • Barrier of Light: Upon reaching full energy Prioress Murrpray shields herself in a Barrier of Light absorbing 18681354 damage and providing immunity to interrupts so she can Embrace the Light.
      • Embrace the Light: Prioress Murrpray harnesses the power of the Sacred Flame, inflicting 220262 Holy damage to all players every 1 sec. and increasing Holy damage by 10% until she is interrupted.
        This effect stacks.
    • Purifying Light: Prioress Murrpray harnesses the power of the Sacred Flame to purge players with its Purifying Light inflicting 2202616 Holy damage every 1 sec to players caught in its rays and leaving behind a pool of Purifying Light.
      • Purifying Light: Inflicts 2202616 Holy damage every 1.5 sec to players in the area.
    • Blinding Light: High Priest Fatma unleashes a Blinding Light inflicting 1497779 Holy damage. Inflicts an additional 2202616 Holy damage and disorients players that are facing High Priest Fatma. (Challenge)
    • Inner Light: The Eternal Flame empowers Prioress Murrpray's Inner Light increasing Holy damage by 50% and inflicting 6 Holy damage every 3 sec for 10 sec.
    • Holy Flame: Prioress Murrpray calls down a Holy Flame at a random player's location, inflicting 2202616 Holy damage and an additional 881046 Holy damage every 2 sec to any players in the impact area.
    • Holy Smite: Prioress Murrpray attacks her target with a Holy Smite inflicting 1497779 Holy damage.
  • Arathor Devoted
    • Inner Light: Empowered by the Sacred Flame, increasing damage done by 50% and inflicting 264314 Holy damage to players within 4 yards every 1 sec.
      The overwhelming power of the Sacred Flame drains 4% health every 1 sec.

Loot for Priory of the Sacred Flame in the War Within

Accessories Drops
FingerVera del Negromante RadiosoPrioress Murrpray
Cloth Drops
HelmCorona di Fiamme ElisiePrioress Murrpray
ChestTunica del Custode ZelanteBaron Braunpyke
WaistFascia del Lacchè Vincolato all'OnoreCaptain Dailcry
Leather Drops
HelmElmo della Crociata VirtuosaBaron Braunpyke
ChestFasce Serafiche dell'OrdinatoPrioress Murrpray
FeetStivali del Guardiano AnimosoCaptain Dailcry
Mail Drops
WristManette del Barone ConsacratoBaron Braunpyke
HandsParamani Vincolati al SacroCaptain Dailcry
LegsCalcapira DiviniPrioress Murrpray
Plate Drops
ShouldersSpallacci Piraforgiati del RianimatorePrioress Murrpray
WristBracciali Foderati Forgiati tra le FiammeCaptain Dailcry
FeetStivali a Piastre DevotiBaron Braunpyke
Trinket Drops
Agility/Intellect/StrengthAnello con Sigillo della PrioriaCaptain Dailcry
N/A (Tanks)Tomo della Devozione alla LuceBaron Braunpyke
IntellectScheggialuce EsplosivaPrioress Murrpray

One-Handed Weapon Drops
MaceIntellectMano di BeledarBaron Braunpyke
MaceAgilityMazza del Serafino StellaforgiatoPrioress Murrpray
Off-Hand and Shield Drops
ShieldIntellect/StrengthMuro della Prioria BenedettaCaptain Dailcry
Two-Handed Weapon Drops
PolearmAgilityGuisarma del Difensore GloriosoCaptain Dailcry
SwordStrengthDoppiamano Marchiata di BraciPrioress Murrpray

Profession Drops
EnchantingIncantamento Anello - Colpo Critico RadiosoPrioress Murrpray
EnchantingIncantamento Anello - Celerità RadiosaPrioress Murrpray
EnchantingIncantamento Anello - Maestria RadiosaPrioress Murrpray
EnchantingIncantamento Anello - Versatilità RadiosaPrioress Murrpray
EnchantingIncantamento Arma - Autorità della Potenza RadiosaPrioress Murrpray
LeatherworkingStivaloni della Fiamma UnificatricePrioress Murrpray

Achievements for Priory of the Sacred Flame in the War Within

There are four Achievements that can be earned in Priory of the Sacred Flame.